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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

ACM president's letter: guidelines for deeply political/social issues

Copying cyclic list structures in linear time using bounded workspace

A bounded workspace copying algorithm for arbitrary list structures is given. This algorithm operates in linear time and does not require tag bits. The best previous bounded workspace copying algorithms achieved n2 time without …

Analysis and performance of inverted data base structures

The need to envision and architecture data base systems in a hierarchical level by level framework is stressed. The inverted data base (file) organization is then analyzed, considering implementation oriented aspects. The inverted …

An intelligent analyzer and understander of English

The paper describes a working analysis and generation program for natural language, which handles paragraph length input. Its core is a system of preferential choice between deep semantic patterns, based on what we call “semantic …

Basic cycle generation [H]

The PL/I procedure BASIC_GENERATOR is an implementation of Paton's algorithm [1] for finding a set of basic (fundamental) cycles of a finite undirected graph from its vertex adjacency matrix.

Remark and certification on algorithms 446

Remark on algorithm 475 [J6]

Remark on algorithm 475 [J6]

Remark on algorithm 478 [F4]

A note on the LU factorization of a symmetric matrix

A problem-list of public policy issues concerning computers and health care

More on kth shortest paths

In a recent paper [4], Minieka proposes an algorithm for finding kth shortest paths between all pairs of nodes in an N node network. His claimed time is O(k2N3).

A syntactic algorithm for peak detection in waveforms with applications to cardiography

Peaks in a digitized waveform are detected by an algorithm incorporating piecewise linear approximation and tabular parsing techniques. Several parameters serve to identify the waveform context enabling accurate measurement of …

A heuristic problem solving design system for equipment or furniture layouts

The Designer Problem Solver (DPS) demonstrates that the computer can perform simple design tasks. In particular, it designs furniture and equipment layouts. This task was chosen because it is simple, well defined, and characteristic …

ACM forum: on the CIU