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Communications of the ACM

Communications of the ACM

A heuristic problem solving design system for equipment or furniture layouts

The Designer Problem Solver (DPS) demonstrates that the computer can perform simple design tasks. In particular, it designs furniture and equipment layouts. This task was chosen because it is simple, well defined, and characteristic of many design tasks in architecture, engineering, urban planning, and natural resource management. These space planning tasks usually involve manipulating two-dimensional representations of objects to create feasible or optimal solutions for problems involving topological and metric spatial constraints. The paper describes extensive tests performed on the program. DPS is a heuristic problem solver with a planning phase prefixed to it. It uses the planning process to give it a sense of direction, diagnostic procedures to locate difficulties, and remedial actions to recover from difficulties. It uses a convex polygon representation to accurately describe the objects and the layout. This representation allows topological and metric constraints to be tested and the design to be easily updated. DPS has been applied to 50 problems. While it is slow and limited in scope, the ideas behind it are general. It demonstrates the need for selectivity in controlling search and the methods used to achieve it: task-specific information, planning, diagnostic procedures, remedial actions, and selective alternative generators.

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