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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

ACM President's Letter: publications, and the Pub Board

Homilies for humble standards

At every standards meeting, in clear view on the table there should be a small plaque engraved: “Do it once, do it right, do it internationally.” The many contributions of Douglas Ross exemplify this directive. If, for example …

Cobol under control

A sample set of Cobol programming standards is offered. These standards constrain code to be developed in a “structured” form for both data and control structures. They do not require syntax beyond the existing Cobol language …

The design and implementation of a table driven, interactive diagnostic programming system

CAPS is a highly interactive diagnostic compiler/interpreter that allows beginning programmers to prepare, debug, and execute fairly simple programs at a graphics display terminal. Complete syntax checking and most semantic analysis …

Experiments in text file compression

A system for the compression of data files, viewed as strings of characters, is presented. The method is general, and applies equally well to English, to PL/I, or to digital data. The system consists of an encoder, an analysis …

The notions of consistency and predicate locks in a database system

In database systems, users access shared data under the assumption that the data satisfies certain consistency constraints. This paper defines the concepts of transaction, consistency and schedule and shows that consistency requires …

Optimal reorganization of distributed space disk files

In most database organizations, the cost of accessing the database will increase due to structural changes caused by updates and insertions. By reorganizing the database, the access costs can be reduced. A basic problem is to …

High-level binding with low-level linkers

An easy to implement scheme is described by which a compiler can enforce agreement between complex data types in separately compiled modules. The scheme is designed to work with any existing link editor or linking loader, no  …

ACM Forum: against an ACM name change