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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

ACM President's letter

A self-assessment procedure

A lattice model of secure information flow

This paper investigates mechanisms that guarantee secure information flow in a computer system. These mechanisms are examined within a mathematical framework suitable for formulating the requirements of secure information flow …

Security Kernel validation in practice

A security kernel is a software and hardware mechanism that enforces access controls within a computer system. The correctness of a security kernel on a PDP-11/45 is being proved. This paper describes the technique used to carry …

Reflections on an operating system design

The main features of a general purpose multiaccess operating system developed for the CDC 6400 at Berkeley are presented, and its good and bad points are discussed as they appear in retrospect. Distinctive features of the design …

Modularization and hierarchy in a family of operating systems

This paper describes the design philosophy used in the construction of a family of operating systems. It is shown that the concepts of module and level do not coincide in a hierarchy of functions. Family members can share much …

Proving monitors

Interesting scheduling and sequential properties of monitors can be proved by using state variables which record the monitors' history and by defining extended proof rules for their wait and signal operations. These two techniques …

Verifying properties of parallel programs: an axiomatic approach

An axiomatic method for proving a number of properties of parallel programs is presented. Hoare has given a set of axioms for partial correctness, but they are not strong enough in most cases. This paper defines a more powerful …

Characteristics of program localities

The term “locality” has been used to denote that subset of a program's segments which are referenced during a particular phase of its execution. A program's behavior can be characterized in terms of its residence in localities …

Analysis of the PFF replacement algorithm via a semi-Markov model

An analytical model is presented to estimate the performance of the Page Fault Frequency (PFF) replacement algorithm. In this model, program behavior is represented by the LRU stack distance model and the PFF replacement algorithm …

ACM Forum: letters

MIN—an optimal variable-space page replacement algorithm

A criterion for comparing variable space page replacement algorithms is presented. An optimum page replacement algorithm, called VMIN, is described and shown to be optimum with respect to this criterion. The results of simulating …