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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

ACM President's Letter: a coming together

The technology of computer center management: a proposed course for graduate professional programs in computer science or in information systems

McFarlan and Nolan have made a strong case for adding a course on information systems administration to the 13 courses proposed by the ACM Curriculum Committee on Computer Education for Management for Graduate Professional Programs …

Formal verification of parallel programs

Two formal models for parallel computation are presented: an abstract conceptual model and a parallel-program model. The former model does not distinguish between control and data states. The latter model includes the capability …

Symbolic execution and program testing

This paper describes the symbolic execution of programs. Instead of supplying the normal inputs to a program (e.g. numbers) one supplies symbols representing arbitrary values. The execution proceeds as in a normal execution except …

Ethernet: distributed packet switching for local computer networks

Ethernet is a branching broadcast communication system for carrying digital data packets among locally distributed computing stations. The packet transport mechanism provided by Ethernet has been used to build systems which can …

Synthesis of decision rules

Decision tables can be used as an effective tool during an interview to record the logic of processes to be automated. The result of such an interview is not a structure of complete decision tables but rather sets of decision …

Sampling from the gamma distribution on a computer

This paper describes a method of generating gamma variates that appears to be less costly than Wallace's recently suggested method. For large shape parameter &agr;; the cost of computation is proportional to √&agr;, whereas Wallace's …

Compressed tries

This paper presents a new data structure, called a compressed trie or C-trie, to be used in information retrieval systems. It has the same underlying m-ary tree structure as a trie, where m is a parameter of the trie, but whereas …

A buddy system variation for disk storage allocation

A generalization of the buddy system for storage allocation is described. The set of permitted block sizes {SIZEi}ni=0 must satisfy the condition SIZEi = SIZEi-1 + SIZEi-k(i) where k may be any meaningful integral-valued function …

Heaps applied to event driven mechanisms

I read with great interest F.P. Wyman's paper “Improved Event-Scanning Mechanisms for Discrete Event Simulation” [10] which, I found, makes a careful study of some techniques for event-list scanning.

ACM Forum: computer science an obituary