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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

Letter from the past President

Analysis of an algorithm for real time garbage collection

A real time garbage collection system avoids suspending the operations of a list processor for the long times that garbage collection normally requires by performing garbage collection on a second processor in parallel with list …

New upper bounds for selection

The worst-case, minimum number of comparisons complexity Vi(n) of the i-th selection problem is considered. A new upper bound for Vi(n) improves the bound given by the standard Hadian-Sobel algorithm by a generalization of the …

Weighted derivation trees

The nodes of a weighted derivation tree are associated with weighting functions over the vocabulary of a context-free grammar. An algorithm is presented for constructing the optimal derivation tree having the same structure as …

Recursion analysis for compiler optimization

A relatively simple method for the detection of recursive use of procedures is presented for use in compiler optimization. Implementation considerations are discussed, and a modification of the algorithm is given to further improve …

Efficient generation of the binary reflected gray code and its applications

Algorithms are presented to generate the n-bit binary reflected Gray code and codewords of fixed weight in that code. Both algorithms are efficient in that the time required to generate the next element from the current one is …

An efficient, incremental, automatic garbage collector

This paper describes a new way of solving the storage reclamation problem for a system such as Lisp that allocates storage automatically from a heap, and does not require the programmer to give any indication that particular  …

Faster retrieval from context trees

Context trees provide a convenient way of storing data which is to be viewed as a hierarchy of contexts. This note presents an algorithm which improves on previous context tree retrieval algorithms. It is based on the observation …

ACM Forum: letters