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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

Letter from the vice-president: trends in graduate computer science education (will they all find work?)

ACM membership profile report

Optimal surface reconstruction from planar contours

In many scientific and technical endeavors, a three-dimensional solid must be reconstructed from serial sections, either to aid in the comprehension of the object's structure or to facilitate its automatic manipulation and analysis …

An interactive computer graphics approach to surface representation

An interactive computer graphics method has been developed for the rapid generation of arbitrary shaped three-dimensional surfaces. The method is a synthesis of spline theory and algorithms, an interactive means for man-machine …

High-level data flow analysis

In contrast to the predominant use of low-level intermediate text, high-level data flow analysis deals with programs essentially at source level and exploits the control flow information implicit in the parse tree. The need for …

Two-level control structure for nondeterministic programming

The basic ideas of nondeterministic programming are critically reconsidered to single out a proper attitude and programming style for languages allowing direct control of nondeterministic features. The proposed attitude aimsattempt …

Regular right part grammars and their parsers

This paper introduces an alternative to context-free grammars called regular right part (RRP) grammars, which resemble PASCAL syntax diagrams. Formally, RRP grammars have production right parts, which are nondeterministic finite …

Game interpretation of the deadlock avoidance problem

The deadlock avoidance problem may be defined informally as the determination, from some a priori information about the processes, resources, operating system, etc., of the “safe situations” which may be realized without endangering …

Multiprocessor memory organization and memory interference

ture of shared memory in a multiprocessor computer system is examined with particular attention to noninterleaved memory. Alternative memory organizations are compared and it is shown that a home memory organization, in which …

A fast string searching algorithm

An algorithm is presented that searches for the location, “il” of the first occurrence of a character string, “pat,” in another string, “string.” During the search operation, the characters of pat are matched starting with the …

ACM forum

The programmer's workbench—a machine for software development

On almost all software development projects the assumption is made that the program development function will be done on the same machine on which the eventual system will run. It is only when this production machine is unavailable …