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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

Letter from the chairman of ACM's SIG/SIG summary: growth, change, and service

Self-assessment procedure III

Complexity of computations

The framework for research in the theory of complexity of computations is described, emphasizing the interrelation between seemingly diverse problems and methods. Illustrative examples of practical and theoretical significance …

Logic and programming languages

Logic has been long interested in whether answers to certain questions are computable in principle, since the outcome puts bounds on the possibilities of formalization. More recently, precise comparisons in the efficiency of  …

The GRE advanced test in computer science

This report describes the Advanced Test in Computer Science which was recently introduced in the Graduate Record Examination Program. The GRE program is described in general, and, the events leading to the establishment of the …

An analysis of inline substitution for a structured programming language

An optimization technique known as inline substitution is analyzed. The optimization consists of replacing a procedure invocation by a modified copy of the procedure body. The general problem of using inline substitution to minimize …

Hardware estimation of a process' primary memory requirements

A minor hardware extension the Honeywell 6180 processor is demonstrated to allow the primary memory requirements of a process in Multics to be approximated. The additional hardware required for this estimate to be computed consists …

Some new upper bounds on the generation of prime numbers

Given an integer N, what is the computational complexity of finding all the primes less than N? A modified sieve of Eratosthenes using doubly linked lists yields an algorithm of OA(N) arithmetic complexity. This upper bound is …

Pagination of B*-trees with variable-length records

A strategy is presented for pagination of B*-trees with variable-length records. If records of each length are uniformly distributed within the file, and if a wide distribution of record lengths exists within the file, then this …

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