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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

ACM President's Letter: the ACM in 1979: upward and outward

Interference detection among solids and surfaces

In many industrial environments it is necessary to determine whether there is interference among components. There are many potential interference problems in products made up of assemblies of components and in product manufacturing …

The impact and use of computer technology by the police

Over the past decade there has been a significant growth in the use of computer technology by U.S. police departments. This growth, however, has been at a slower rate than predicted in the early 1970's. Further, when computer …

Permutation of data blocks in a bubble memory

A common internal organization of bubble memories consists of a set of (minor) loops, connected through another (major) loop. The problem of obtaining any given permutation of the minor loop contents in minimum time is studied …

The impact of distributions and disciplines on multiple processor systems

Simple queueing models are used to study the performance tradeoffs of multiple processor systems. Issues considered include the impact of CPU service disciplines and distributions, level of multiprogramming, multitasking, and …

An event-driven compiling technique

Due to the linear structure of source text, difficulties may arise in a one-pass compilation process. These difficulties occur when an entity cannot be processed because of a forward reference to information only obtainable from …

Syntactic source to source transforms and program manipulation

Syntactic transforms are the source to source program transformations which preserve the history of computation, and thus do not modify the execution time. Combined with a small number of primitive semantic transforms, they provide …

ACM forum: More on Shcharansky