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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

ACM President's Letter: chapters and verses

Employment characteristics of doctoral level computer scientists

A recent report from the National Research Council contains a detailed profile of doctoral level scientists and engineers, as well as doctorates in the humanities [1]. This paper summarizes those portions of the report that pertain …

Recursive data structures in APL

A mathematical study of three approaches for defining nested arrays in APL is presented. Theorems exhibiting the relationships between the definitional systems are given and illustrated through graph representations. One of the …

Global optimization by suppression of partial redundancies

The elimination of redundant computations and the moving of invariant computations out of loops are often done separately, with invariants moved outward loop by loop. We propose to do both at once and to move each expression  …

Comments on perfect hashing functions: a single probe retrieving method for static sets

Thoth, a portable real-time operating system

Thoth is a real-time operating system which is designed to be portable over a large set of machines. It is currently running on two minicomputers with quite different architectures. Both the system and application programs which …

Synchronization with eventcounts and sequencers

Synchronization of concurrent processes requires controlling the relative ordering of events in the processes. A new synchronization mechanism is proposed, using abstract objects called eventcounts and sequencers, that allows …

Optimal storage allocation for serial files

A computer system uses several serial files. The files reside on a direct-access storage device in which storage space is limited. Records are added to the files either by jobs in batch processing mode, or by on-line transactions …

ACM forum: Turning lecturers' response to Soviet Translation Request

Production and employment of Ph.D.'s in computer science—1977 and 1978

This brief report summarizes the results of the third and fourth annual surveys on the production and employment of Ph.D.'s in computer science. Responses were solicited from department chairmen, and aggregated for presentation …