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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

Detection of three-dimensional patterns of atoms in chemical structures

An algorithm for detecting occurrences of a three-dimensional pattern of objects within a larger structure is presented. The search technique presented uses the geometric structure of the pattern to define characteristics demanded …

Price/performance patterns of U. S. computer systems

Econometric models of the U.S. computer market have been developed to study the relationships between system price and hardware performance. Single measures of price/performance such as “Grosch's Law” are shown to be so oversimplified …

A methodology for the design of distributed information systems

A macro model of a distributed information system in presented. The model describes the major costs of using an information system from the perspective of the end-user. The model is intended to provide guidance to the system  …

A mathematical programming updating method using modified Givens transformations and applied to LP problems

An efficient and numerically stable method is presented for the problem of updating an orthogonal decomposition of a matrix of column (or row) vectors. The fundamental idea is to add a column (or row) analogous to adding an additional …

New methods to color the vertices of a graph

This paper describes efficient new heuristic methods to color the vertices of a graph which rely upon the comparison of the degrees and structure of a graph. A method is developed which is exact for bipartite graphs and is an …

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