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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

ACM president's letter: a pasquinade of Peccant predictions

A generalized user interface for applications programs

A general method for using disk files (instead of a more conventional parameter-passing mechanism) to transfer control information from a user interface to a set of related applications programs is described. This technique effectively …

Analysis of future event set algorithms for discrete event simulation

New analytical and empirical results for the performance of future event set algorithms in discrete event simulation are presented. These results provide a clear insight to the factors affecting algorithm performance, permit  …

An algorithm for exhaustive generation of building floor plans

The combinatorial complexity of most floor plan design problems makes it practically impossible to obtain a systematic knowledge of possible solutions using pencil and paper. The objective of this paper is to contribute to the …

A two-list synchronization procedure for discrete event simulation

The traditional mechanism for maintaining a list of pending events in a discrete event simulation is the simple linked list. However, in large scale simulations this list often becomes cumbersome to maintain since the number  …

Reciprocal hashing: a method for generating minimal perfect hashing functions

A method is presented for building minimal perfect hash functions, i.e., functions which allow single probe retrieval from minimally sized tables of identifier sets. A proof of existence for minimal perfect hash functions of  …

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