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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

ACM president's letter: are operating systems obsolete?

A technique for testing command and control software

A technique for testing embedded-microprocessor command and control programs is described. The continuity inherent in functions computed by programs which monitor natural phenomena is exploited by a simple difference equation …

A comparison of two network-based file servers

This paper compares two working network-based file servers, the Xerox Distributed File System (XDFS) implemented at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, and the Cambridge File Server (CFS) implemented at the Cambridge University …

Performing remote operations efficiently on a local computer network

A communication model is described that can serve as a basis for a highly efficient communication subsystem for local networks. The model contains a taxonomy of communication instructions that can be implemented efficiently and …

Grapevine: an exercise in distributed computing

Grapevine is a multicomputer system on the Xerox research internet. It provides facilities for the delivery of digital messages such as computer mail; for naming people, machines, and services; for authenticating people and machines …

Cryptographic sealing for information secrecy and authentication

A new protection mechanism is described that provides general primitives for protection and authentication. The mechanism is based on the idea of sealing an object with a key. Sealed objects are self-authenticating, and in the …

Technical correspondence: on nondeterministic programs