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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

ACM president's letter: computer-based predictive writing

Contemporary software development environments

There are a wide variety of software development tools and methods currently available or which could be built using current research and technology. These tools and methods can be organized into four software development environments …

On an improved algorithm for decentralized extrema finding in circular configurations of processors

This note presents a more efficient algorithm for finding the largest element in a circular list of processors when messages can be passed in either direction. It passes 2N*floor(lg N) + 3N messages in the worst case, compared …

Estimating and improving the quality of information in a MIS

Most discussions of MIS's assume that the information in the records is error-free although it is recognized that errors exist. These errors occur because of delays in processing times, lengthy correction times, and, overly or …

ACM forum

Analysis of pointer “rotation”

Two high-level pointer operations, rotation and slide, reduce conceptual difficulties when writing pointer programs and increase the reliability of programs. We analyze theoretically as well as empirically why these operations …