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Communications of the ACM

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ACM forum

Programming pearls: confessions of a coder

Structuring computer-mediated communication systems to avoid information overload

Unless computer-mediated communication systems are structured, users will be overloaded with information. But structure should be imposed by individuals and user groups according to their needs and abilities, rather than through …

Strategic computing at DARPA: overview and assessment

Strategic Computing, a 10-year initiative to build faster and more intelligent systems, is ambitious, flawed by overscheduling perhaps and problems of definition, but basically sound.

A prescription for computer anxiety

A pragmatic view of the system architect

A whole-system designer, fire fighter, mediator, and jack-of-all-trades, the system architect brings unity and continuity to a development project—offsetting the inevitable compartmentalization of modern modular designs.

Paradigms for design and implementation in ADA

An examination of the respective advantages and disadvantages of three characteristic paradigms of design and implementation in Ada illustrates the importance of choosing the appropriate paradigm for a given set of circumstances …

Environmental and institutional models of system development: a national criminal history system

This article tests two competing theories of system development referred to here as environmental and institutional models. These models form the basis for most explanations of why systems are developed and utilized. We will  …

Transient exponential-Erlang queues and steady-state simulation

The transient probabilistic structure of M/Em/1 and Em/M/1 queues initialized in an arbitrary deterministic state is derived in discrete time. Computational algorithms for obtaining the required probabilities are provided, and …

Technical Correspondence