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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

Computing in India: an Asian elephant learning to dance

Participatory design

A retrospective look at PD projects

From system design to democracy

Some PD advice

PD and joint application design: a transatlantic comparison

PD a personal statement

Engineering practice and codevelopment of codevelopment of product prototypes

The benefits of intentional tension

Experiences using cooperative interactive storyboard prototyping

Graphic facilitation

CSCW challenges: cooperative design in engineering projects

User participation in prototyping

PD: structure in the toolbox

The ETHICS approach

Work language analysis and the naming problem

Work-oriented design at Xerox

Participatory conversation in PD

A web of fuzzy problems: confronting the ethical issues

Translation between software designers and users

Modeling and simulation

“Equal opportunity” PD using PICTIVE

STEPS—a methodical approach to PD