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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

Widening international boundaries

Consensus versus speed

While international consensus seems assured through the traditional processes of the International Organization of Standardization (ISO), the best known and most powerful standards body, the long time required to make decisions …

Net.Speech: desktop audio comes to the net

In the 1940s, the first research computers worked on numeric data. A few years later, the UNIVAC, was designed for both numeric and alphanumeric data. Over time, technology advances have made other data types economically feasible—text …

The promise and the cost of object technology: a five-year forecast

Object-oriented experiences

Lessons learned from the OS/400 OO project

This article describes some of the lessons learned when a team of 150 developers with a minimal prior exposure to object-oriented (OO) technology undertook a large development project. Team members became proficient in OO design …

Using design patterns to develop reusable object-oriented communication software

Despite dramatic increases in network and host performance, it remains difficult to design, implement, and reuse communication software for complex distributed systems. Examples of these systems include global personal communication …

Developing an object-oriented software testing and maintenance environment

The object-oriented (OO) paradigm is rapidly gaining acceptance in the software industry. However, the powerful features of this new paradigm also introduce a new set of OO software testing and maintenance problems. The pioneering …

Object-oriented parallel computation for plasma simulation

Object-oriented techniques promise to improve the software design and programming process by providing an application-oriented view of programming while facilitating modification and reuse. Since the software design crisis is …

Smalltalk on the rise

Why Smalltalk?

Smalltalk is a single paradigm language with very simple semantics and syntax for specifying elements of a system and for describing system dynamics [1]. When the language is used to describe an application system, the developer …

Smalltalk reaches crossroads in the insurance industry

Information systems are critical to the worldwide insurance business, yet few major insurance companies believe they are well served by their current systems. Increasingly, companies are including Smalltalk as a strategic element …

Smalltalk in the telecommunications industry

In a world where global partnerships and rapidly shifting business environments will be the norm, the telecommunications industry stands out for the speed with which both its technology and business processes are being transformed …

Ubiquitous applications: embedded systems to mainframe

Over the last 10 years, Smalltalk has moved from the “Parc” to Main Street as a standard object-oriented (OO) fifth generation language (5GL) for enterprise computing. To meet the needs of application developers, Smalltalk environments …

Smalltalk training: as innovative as the environment

Smalltalk was originally intended to make the computer more accessible. However, although the language itself is simple, it is becoming common knowledge that becoming truly proficient with the Smalltalk environment is no simple …

Projecting the growth of cellular communications

The tremendous success of cellular technology has fundamentally changed the way people communicate and prompted the evolution of a new multibillion dollar wireless communications industry. Linking service areas, wireless communications …

Risks of social security numbers

The problem with social security numbers today is that some organizations are using these ubiquitous numbers for identification, others are using them for authentication, and still others are using them for both. I call up my …