As the UML reaches the ripe age of four, both its proponents and its critics are scanning the recent changes in the UML 1.3 revision.
Cris Kobryn Pages 29-37
"You mustn't forget one thing," the fairy godmother said. "Do not stay past midnight, for when the hour strikes, everything will return to the way it was before. "I promise," said Cinderella.
Bran Selic Pages 46-54
Its development strategy produced unexpected costs, a wrong turn with Java, performance compromises, and questions about future ties to Sun Microsystems.Michael A. Cusumano, David B. Yoffie Pages 72-78
Though familiar with the most common problems and their causes, OO software developers struggle with solutions plagued by a lack of framework standards and development guidelines.Michael Mattsson, Jan Bosch, Mohamed E. Fayad Pages 80-87
A system for examining Web browsing histories helps create a set of guidelines for designing privacy interfaces.Tessa Lau, Oren Etzioni, Daniel S. Weld Pages 88-94
The World Wide Web Consortium devised these document-markup and style-sheet languages in the interests of Web device independence, content reuse, and network-friendly encoding.
Håkon Wium Lie, Janne Saarela Pages 95-101
The exhaustive efforts of the ACM and IEEECS has resulted in the adoption of a code of professional practices for software engineers to considerand use.Don Gotterbarn, Keith Miller, Simon Rogerson Pages 102-107