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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

Editorial Pointers

News Track


Legally Speaking: Why the Anticircumvention Regulations Need Revision

Like a tempest in a teapot, the storm rages on over DMCA's ambiguous provisions.

International Perspectives: Y2K International Status and Opportunities

Measures to raise awareness are only the first steps to global compliance.


Digital Newspapers Explore Marketing on the Internet

New forms of digital news products combine existing forms of generating revenue with new product development and services.

Exploiting the Benefits of Y2K Preparation

Paying for Y2K compliance is also an investment in future systems performance, and in long-term business performance and financial goals.

Teaching E-Commerce to a Multidisciplinary Class

The students were the virtual vendors, consumers, and corporate executives, paying and receiving e-payments and negotiating with the bank and the government.

The Economics of Network Management

Why are pricing issues the key to infrastructure investment and future growth of the Internet?

Distributed Mission Training: Teams, Virtual Reality, and Real-Time Networking

Multimodal Integrated Team Training

The Effectiveness of Distributed Mission Training

Synthetic training environments can enhance teamwork performance.

A Reusable Architecture For Simulations

Flexible, interacting simulations provide a foundation for successful DMT applications.

Image Generation Systems in Virtual Training Platforms

A novel technology proves ideally suited to fast-moving training environs.

Implementing Distributed Mission Training

An experimental training program tests the DMT mettle through some tough terrain.

Technical Opinion: Getting the Best of Both Real and Virtual Worlds

A simple but effective way to facilitate visual occlusion using a see-through display.

Inside Risks: the Trojan Horse Race