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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

Editorial Pointers

News Track


Personal Computing: from P-Books to E-Books

As better technology becomes available, books in the electronic age are taking on a whole new look and feel.

Digital Village: Predatory Disintermediation

When cutting out the middleman means stifling the competition.

From the President: to DVD or Not to DVD

The current legal DVD battle between the movie industry and the free/open software communities over DVD is a microcosm of an ongoing intellectual property war.

Viewpoint: Existential Education in the Era of Personal Cybernetics

Embedding the Internet: Introduction

Add reliable wireless communications and sensing functions to the billions of physically embedded computing devices around the world for a new universe of ubiquitous networked computing.

Proactive Computing

Human-in-the-loop computing has its limits. What must we do differently to prepare for the networking of thousands of embedded processors per person? And how do we move from human-centered to human-supervised computing?

Wireless Integrated Network Sensors

For pervasive computing performance, exploit the physical limits of these densely distributed networks of embedded sensors, controls, and processors.

Embedded Computation Meets the World Wide Web

An infinitely accessible Web-linked physical environment united by a multitude of tiny servers could mean a life of information ease.

Amorphous Computing

For coherent behavior from vast numbers of unreliable microsensors, actuators, and communication devices interconnected in unknown ways, apply the lessons of cellular cooperation in biological organisms.

-Universal -Usability

Pushing human-computer interaction research to empower every citizen.

Web-Based E-Catalog Systems in B2B Procurement

Web-based catalogs provide the main entry point for B2B e-commerce and will fundamentally transform supply-chain relationships.

Enduring Business Themes

System adaptability is critical in today's rapidly changing business culture. Now, new approaches offer ways to specify, design, and implement adaptable apps.

All I Really Need to Know About Pair Programming I Learned in Kindergarten

When it comes to programming practices, studies show two heads are almost always better than one.

Technical Opinion: Designing Cryptography For the New Century

Inside Risks: Internet Risks