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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

Editorial Pointers

News Track


Log on Education: Handheld Devices Are Ready-at-Hand

Like its predecessors—the pencil, paper, and calculator—computers must be within arm's reach, mobile, and palm-accessible in order to make a difference in the classroom.

International Perspectives: Wiring the Wilderness in Alaska and the Yukon

Breaking down the partitions that divide the digital world.

Viewpoint: Why Women Avoid Computer Science

The numbers prove women embrace the "precision" of mathematics. Could it be the ill-defined nature of computing is what drives them away?

Current Issues in E-Banking: Introduction

Design of a Financial Portal

Financial institutions may need to expand the idea of index stocks to survive in the new economy.

The Challenge of 'Customerization' in Financial Services

Companies that ignore customerization are at risk.

Bundling E-Banking Services

Bundling will play an important role in the evolution of e-banking.

The Open Information Society

The final stop on the Internet route.

Product-Market and Technology Strategies in Banking

Banks have a short time period to either establish themselves on the Internet or risk being overtaken by new entrants.

Technology For Supporting Supply Chain Management: Introduction

The Art of Military Logistics

Moving to a dynamic supply chain.

Managing Trust and Commitment in Collaborative Supply Chain Relationships

Interaction technology can enhance the interplay between trust and technology.

Supporting Return Flows in the Supply Chain

Overlooked opportunities exist to recover products.

Challenges in the Air Cargo Supply Chain

Dominating the air cargo supply chain will be impossible without true connectivity.

Technology in the Indian Retail Supply Chain

Leveraging information technology for effective retail distribution in India.

Centralization vs. Decentralization of Application Software

Whichever way the IT department chooses, the result should never lose sight of the user.

A New View of IS Personnel Performance Evaluation

For the sake of overall corporate performance, users and IS professionals need "consonance" when evaluating system performance.

More Testing Should Be Taught

Students benefit from learning about testing and the broader issues of verification before they enter the buggy world of software development.

Technical Opinion: Programming Extremism

Extreme Programming, a lightweight OO development process, is the latest eruption between programmers and software engineers.

Inside Risks: PKI: A Question of Trust and Value