Building an education for an IT professional without the idiosyncratic constraints of any particular specialty . . . from the ground up.
Peter J. Denning Pages 19-22
Should digital images, even those some consider pornography, have the same constitutional protection as any other form of expression?Eric M. Freedman Pages 27-29
Storytelling allows visualization to reveal information as effectively and intuitively as if the viewer were watching a movie.Nahum Gershon, Ward Page Pages 31-37
In the rising tide of business transaction data, these tools help distinguish which are strategic assets and which are not worth collecting in the first place.Daniel A. Keim Pages 38-44
Look and learn which page of perhaps thousands Web site visitors linger on before clicking yes and no, which drove them to the exit button, and many more actionable patterns, trends, and insights.Stephen G. Eick Pages 45-50
Experts from around the world tackle one of the most ambitious Web-based museum projects and the result captures the true artistry of teamwork, technology, and yes, art.Fred Mintzer, Gordon W. Braudaway, Francis P. Giordano, Jack C. Lee, Karen A. Magerlein, Silvana D'Auria, Amnon Ribak, Gil Shapir, Fabio Schiattarella, John Tolva, Andrey Zelenkov Pages 52-60
An emerging distribution paradigm is redefining the roles of traditional music retailers, tightening competition within the industry and allowing more efficient ways for consumers to get their music. Pages 62-68
Why surf alone? New agent technology can scout out the online terrain and recommend the best paths for you to follow.Henry Lieberman, Christopher Fry, Louis Weitzman Pages 69-75
Rapidly changing information technology is challenging IT management, requiring development of coping strategies.
John Benamati, Albert L. Lederer Pages 83-88