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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

COLUMN: Editorial pointers

Editorial Pointers


News Track



COLUMN: Log on education

Teaching the Nintendo Generation to Program

Preparing a new strategy for teaching introductory computer programming.
COLUMN: Digital village

Hijacking the Web

Cookies revisited: Continuing the dialogue on personal security and underlying privacy issues.
COLUMN: On site

Past and Future Emergency Response Information Systems

Past and future objectives remain the same in crises, providing relevant communities collaborative knowledge systems to exchange information.
COLUMN: Viewpoint

Anonymity on the Internet: Why the Price May Be Too High

By allowing anonymous Net communication, the fabric of our society is at risk.
SPECIAL ISSUE: Supporting community and building social capital


The terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon last September shocked us all. Many reached for the telephone to contact loved ones and watched TV or listened to the radio for news in the days directly following …

Social Translucence: Designing Social Infrastructures that Make Collective Activity Visible

Making social cues visible and persistent helps online groups govern their activities.

A Semantic Approach to Visualizing Online Conversations

Visualizing patterns in online conversations give participants a better grasp of their cyber environment and their fellow inhabitants.

Tools For Navigating Large Social Cyberspaces

The Netscan project helps online participants form cooperative relationships by offering a better sense of the other players involved.

What Makes Learning Networks Effective?

Asynchronous Learning Networks are providing a strong online option to the learning process. Effective ALNs promote student-instructor interaction, emphasize student-to-student collaboration, and generate active participation …

The Future of E-Learning Communities

The learning potential of Internet technology can come from the most familiar sources---peers and elders.

Audience-Specific Online Community Design

Not all people are easily drawn to the virtual community. Research indicates people of a certain age and lifestyle are indeed reluctant to interact online under any circumstances.

-Understanding the Benefit and Costs of Communities of Practice

Promoting healthy collaboration in communities of practice takes management support at all levels. And management, of course, wants and needs to comprehend what the firm gets for that investment.

Managing Risks in Enterprise Systems Implementations

What determines if a system implementation will be successful?

The Professional Development Challenge For It Professionals

If IT professional development is good for overall corporate performance, as well as for IT professionals' employment prospects, security, self-esteem, and climbing the corporate ladder, why don't more of them do it?

Integrating Communication and Information Through Contactmap

Visualizing personal social networks, the system allows users to model and arrange their own in maps of individual contacts and groups, along with the relationships among them.

Integrated It Management Tool Kit

The tools track IT assets, performance, budgets, and resources, managing system development and deployment in the interests of the organization's strategic goals.

Enabling Crypto: How Radical Innovations Occur

Examining the key factors and influences in the development of cryptography.
COLUMN: Thinking objectively

How to Deal with Software Stability

All that exist are heuristics for determining an EBT, a BO, or an industrial object.
COLUMN: Inside Risks

Digital Evidence

SPECIAL ISSUE: Virtual extension

A comparison of three delivery systems for teaching an information technology course

An important aspect of the global, knowledge-based, technology-enabled economy is that organizations must invest in continuous training [4]. Managers, now exposed to concepts such as knowledge economy, organizational intelligence …

Understanding ontological engineering

Ontological engineering has garnered increasing attention over the last few years, as researchers have recognized ontologies are not just for knowledge-based systems---all software needs models of the world, and hence can make …

Strategies for accelerating the worldwide adoption of e-commerce

In recent years, many organizations have recognized the potential of e-commerce to improve profitability by increasing productivity and market penetration while reducing costs. But the vision of an electronically interconnected …

NASA's TReK project: a case study in using the spiral model of software development

Software development projects face numerous challenges that threaten their successful completion. Whether it is not enough money, too little time, or a case of "requirements creep" that turns into a full sprint, projects must …

Java distributed objects for numerical visualization in VisAD

The scientific world is evolving to require more collaboration among different institutions and disciplines. Understanding long-term changes in the Earth environment, for example, requires models that integrate disciplines such …

Making the computer accessible to mentally retarded adults

Little research has been conducted on how to teach computer skills to developmentally disabled adults. A head counselor at a home for mentally retarded adults, who served as the inspiration for this article, was an enthusiastic …

Information quality benchmarks: product and service performance

Information quality (IQ) is an inexact science in terms of assessment and benchmarks. Although various aspects of quality and information have been investigated [1, 4, 6, 7, 9, 12], there is still a critical need for a methodology …

The role of software processes and communication in offshore software development

Offshore software development is a new trend in the information technology (IT) outsourcing field, fueled by the globalization of IT and the improvement of telecommunication facilities. Countries such as India, Ireland, and Israel …

Development infrastructure characteristics and process capability

A substantial portion of most organizational budgets goes toward developing IT applications. Despite the existence of many tools and methodologies, Information Systems Departments (ISDs) continue to face burgeoning costs and …

Data quality assessment

How good is a company's data quality? Answering this question requires usable data quality metrics. Currently, most data quality measures are developed on an ad hoc basis to solve specific problems [6, 8], and fundamental principles …

Securing PC applications: the relay race approach

The widespread use of personal computers and the growth of end-user computing have introduced a myriad of security concerns. As PC-based information systems become readily available and more individuals become computer literate …