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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

DEPARTMENT: Editoral pointers

Editoral Pointers

DEPARTMENT: News track

News Track



COLUMN: The profession of IT

Great Principles of Computing

The great principles of computing have been interred beneath layers of technology in our understanding and our teaching. It is time to set them free.
COLUMN: Practical programmer

A Sociopolitical Look at Open Source

Contemplating the sociological and political aspects of the open source movement.
COLUMN: Viewpoint

The Myth of Diminishing Firms

Economist Ronald Coase was not suggesting that because the size of firms is tied to transaction costs, the lower transaction costs of e-commerce would cause e-businesses to grow smaller and smaller.
SPECIAL ISSUE: Blueprint for the future of high-performance networking


E-scientists are moving from a processor-centric to a network-centric world with new levels of persistent collaboration over transoceanic distances and the ability to process, disseminate, and share vast stores of distributed …

Translight: a Global-Scale Lambdagrid For E-Science

This global experiment wants to see if high-end applications needing transport capacities of multiple Gbps for up to hours at a time can be handled through an optical bypass network.

Transport Protocols For High Performance

The Explicit Control Protocol and other new congestion-control systems greatly improve application performance over a range of network infrastructure, including extremely high-speed and high-delay links. What then is next for …

Data Integration in a Bandwidth-Rich World

Inexpensive storage and wide-area bandwidth (with prices for both declining at least as fast as Moore's Law) drive demand for middleware to integrate, correlate, compare, and mine local, remote, and distributed data.

The Optiputer

This architecture/infrastructure of parallel optical networks couples data exploration, visualization, and collaboration technologies through IP at multi-gigabit speeds.

Data-Intensive E-Science Frontier Research

Large-scale e-science, including high-energy and nuclear physics, biomedical informatics, and Earth science, depend on an increasingly integrated, distributed cyberinfrastructure serving virtual organizations on a global scale …

Rising Sun: Imode and the Wireless Internet

Applying technology acceptance theory to understand why iMode has become so popular in Japan, and whether its popularity will extend to the rest of the world.

The Perils of Data Misreporting

With physicians, information managers, and payers all influencing health care data classification, data can end up as an injured party. This hurts all of us, as reimbursement levels and error analysis increasingly rely on coded …

The Mp3 Open Standard and the Music Industry's Response to Internet Piracy

Can open standards motivate market leaders to accept new technology?

Design, Retrieval, and Assembly in Component-Based Software Development

Until recently, anecdotal evidence could only suggest CBSD superiority in requirements identification. Here is a set of testable hypotheses to help distinguish hype from fact.

Balancing Free Speech and Censorship: Academia's Response to the Internet

Many universities do not consider the topic of censorship important enough to address in a formal way---but the legal and ethical risks of neglecting this issue should not be ignored.

Features to Consider in a Data Warehousing System

Evaluating and assessing the important distinctions between data processing capability and data currency.

A Common Theme For It Degree Programs

Effective IT curricula balances tradition with innovation. One way to enhance that balance is to examine the common threads in the various knowledge areas.

Measuring Productivity in the Software Industry

Effective IT curricula balances tradition with innovation. One way to enhance that balance is to examine the common threads in the various knowledge areas.

Introducing a Country to Internet-Enabled Expert Networks

An expert network created in Sweden becomes a cost-effective testing ground for journalists worldwide to use Internet-enabled services for building a base of knowledge, experience, and contacts.
COLUMN: Inside risks

Security By Obscurity