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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

DEPARTMENT: Editorial pointers

Editorial Pointers

DEPARTMENT: News track

News Track



COLUMN: Security watch

Analyzing Security Costs

Quantification tools, if applied prudently, can assist in the anticipation, budgeting, and control of direct and indirect computer security costs.
COLUMN: Legally speaking

Trade Secrets vs. Free Speech

How to balance the benefits of free speech and the need for secrecy.
COLUMN: Viewpoint

The Mccarthy Protocols

Maximizing developers' contributions while minimizing social discomfort, they guide personal interaction and focus the development agenda.


As I sit here considering how to introduce this special section on e-services, I'm reminded of a superb experience I recently had filing my U.S. federal income tax return. In lieu of a $400 fee for paying someone to prepare my …

Fulfilling the Web Services Promise

The creation and support of standards for Web services is a critical component to their effective functionality and ultimate success.

What Are Web Services?

A Web service, as defined by the W3C Web Services Architecture Working Group, is "a software application identified by a URI, whose interfaces and bindings are capable of being defined, described, and discovered as XML artifacts …

E-Service: a New Paradigm For Business in the Electronic Environment

Firms must take full advantage of Net-based e-service opportunities, particularly in the transition of products to services, to garner long-term customer relationships and loyalty.

Marketing Challenges of E-Services

Technological innovations---such as the telephone, television, and the Internet---enable new capabilities that may create long-lasting changes in organizational structure, conduct, and performance. E-commerce currently accounts …

E-Services at Fedex

Providing customer services online brought a new dimension to corporate functionalities at Federal Express.

Data Completeness: a Key to Effective Net-Based Customer Service Systems

To gain and maintain customer loyalty, a firm must learn how to best translate and mine the data they have on those customers.

Marketing + Mis = E-Service

Traditional service marketers moving to e-services find fewer obstacles and more revenue opportunities in the process.

Technology Enablers to Recover from Failures in E-Services

Although the goal of e-providers should be to provide quality service to all customers at all times, occasional failure is inevitable. Whether the failure is inherent in the content of the e-service (for example, a service that …

The Web Services Debate: J2ee vs. .net

As the articles in this section attest, the future of Web services is as certain as it is unclear. That is, the Web services arena is most certainly the next technological wave; what is not so clear is what direction (of many) …

The Web Services Debate: .net vs. J2ee

Networks New Economical Virtual Private

The idea is to reduce costs without undermining quality of service.

Taxonomy of Security Considerations and Software Quality

Addressing security threats and risks through software quality design factors.

Asynchronous Health Care Communication

Patients' desire for online communication with their health care providers is likely to change the course of both telemedicine and e-health technologies.

Facilitating Tacit Knowledge Exchange

Sharings insights from a humanistic and entertainment approach to improving organizational efficiency.

Rethinking the Digital Divide

African-American students are all too aware that the digital divide is not merely about Internet access. Rather, it involves access to the social networks that ease the path to success in high-tech careers.

Trust in the Preservation of Digital Information

An institutional guarantee can help address the major hurdle of digital preservation---winning people's trust.
COLUMN: Technical opinion

Toward Public-Key Infrastructure Interoperability

Lessons from an information security standard accreditation scheme.
COLUMN: Inside risks

Reflections on Trusting Trust Revisited