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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

DEPARTMENT: Editorial pointers

Editorial Pointers

DEPARTMENT: News track

News Track



DEPARTMENT: ACM's Professional Development Centre expands learning opportunities

Acm's Professional Development Centre Expands Learning Opportunities

COLUMN: The profession of IT

The Social Life of Innovation

Fostering a change of practice in a community is much more difficult than inventing a new technology. The practice of innovation can be learned---once you know what it is.
COLUMN: Digital village

Wading Into Alternate Data Streams

COLUMN: Viewpoint

Trust Online, Trust Offline

Online businesses would do well to cultivate their visitors' adventurous, trusting, optimistic, risk-taking world views.
SPECIAL ISSUE: Human-computer etiquette: managing expectations with intentional agents


Etiquette Equality: Exhibitions and Expectations of Computer Politeness

As much as people crave more human-like computers, experimental evidence shows that people do display polite behavior toward computers, perceiving human qualities they don't actually have.

-nspoken Rules of Spoken Interaction

Body language and familiar silent signals are as much a part of social experience as the conversation. Building systems to recognize and respond to such moves will propel interface technology to the next horizon.

Etiquette and the Design of Educational Technology

Motives for designing tact, courtesy, and even humor into educational tools must be intrinsically understood and appreciated before applied.

Trust and Etiquette in High-Criticality Automated Systems

Etiquette Online: from Nice to Necessary

In the early days of the Internet, an occasional sarcastic or confrontational remark was considered part of its "charm."<br>Times have changed.

Managing Cross-Cultural Issues in Global Software Outsourcing

Exploring research-derived best practices for effective management of global software teams.

Software Project Risks and Their Effect on Outcomes

How to identify the risks that interact to pose the most significant threats to successful project outcomes.

The Domino Effect of Password Reuse

One weak spot is all it takes to open secured digital doors and online accounts causing untold damage and consequences.

Managing Academic E-Journals

Though e-publishing is relatively inexpensive, e-publisher survival still depends on the age-old virtues of content quality and author credibility.

The Economics of Wireless Networks

Assessing the rapidly changing economics of the wireless industry.

Managing Knowledge in Distributed Projects

A hybrid approach to knowledge management helps maximize the benefits of the centralized and P2P approaches.

Informational Cascades in It Adoption

Before adopting new systems and procedures, IT managers should ensure they are not unwittingly following the herd.
COLUMN: Technical opinion

The Viability of Supporting Anonymous Employees

Identifying contractual mechanisms to support anonymity in the employment environment.
COLUMN: Inside risks

Coincidental Risks