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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

DEPARTMENT: Editorial pointers

Editorial Pointers

DEPARTMENT: News track

News Track



COLUMN: Staying connected

It's Alive

Reports of the demise of the telecom industry have been greatly exaggerated.
COLUMN: Practical programmer

Matching Methodology to Problem Domain

Soliciting advice on choosing and applying appropriate software development methodologies.
COLUMN: Viewpoint

Wanted: Public Policies that Foster Creation of Knowledge

Don't enact laws and regulations that prevent or inhibit access to the facts and ideas needed for scientific research.
SPECIAL ISSUE: New architectures for financial services


The financial services industry is in transition. Traditionally, financial services have been structured into four broad industry sectors: banking, insurance, equities/stock brokerage, and transaction services. The recent confluence …

Success and Failure in Web-Based Financial Services

Examining the financial viability of the underlying business model.

Flexible Value Structures in Banking

How service-oriented architectures can help achieve the business objectives of the transformation process in banking.

An Alternative Architecture For Financial Data Integration

Exploring a new paradigm for mediated data integration.

Mobile Banking Services

Adopting new and innovative mobile financial applications and service provisioning methods.

Odc: a Global It Services Delivery Model

Achieving organizational innovation through modularization and outsourcing of business processes.

Financial Services Business Process Outsourcing

Applying lessons learned from manufacturing to workflow processes in the financial services industry.

Detecting Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing via Data Mining

Using import-export information to improve financial transaction security.

Who Will Rob You on the Digital Highway?

Traditionally at the forefront of security awareness, financial organizations must maintain this status as they move further into the Internet realm.

How to Measure the Relationship Between Training and Job Performance

Software companies could better predict the effect of training on their technical professionals' on-the-job performance and design training courses for future employees.

Grasping the Complexity of Is Development Projects

To improve performance of IS development projects, first measure the key dimensions of project complexity and understand how they affect project outcomes.

Can E-Learning Replace Classroom Learning?

In an e-learning environment that emphasizes learner-centered activity and system interactivity, remote learners can outperform traditional classroom students.
DEPARTMENT: 2004 ACM elections

2004 ACM Elections

Improving Software Team Productivity

Choosing the most effective quantitative process design approach will not only improve a firm's project management but, ultimately, the bottom line.

Tracing the Roots of Markup Languages

Markup languages provide efficient ways of storing information on the Web and make the retrieval process easier. Indeed, its simplicity and added intelligence to the document makes it useful for messaging between clients and …
COLUMN: Technical opinion

Comma-Free Design For Dna Words

Considering data-coding procedures and sequence design.
COLUMN: Inside risks

Artificial Stupidity