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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

DEPARTMENT: Editorial pointers

Editorial Pointers

DEPARTMENT: News track

News Track




Top 10 Downloads from ACM's Digital Library

COLUMN: Security watch

Scoping Identity Theft

The computer's role in identity theft incidents may have been misgauged through overestimates of reported losses.
COLUMN: Staying connected

Private Lives

Laws governing surveillance must keep pace with technology.
COLUMN: President's letter

Revisiting My Campaign Statement

Two years ago I entered the race for ACM President with my campaign statement. In the second-to-last President's Letter of my term, I thought I would revisit what I said we would do and reflect on what we did.
COLUMN: Viewpoint

Beyond the Algorithmization of the Sciences

Algorithmic thinking is transforming both the descriptive sciences and the humanities, bringing them all closer to the mathematical core of computer science.

2006 ACM Elections

SPECIAL ISSUE: Two decades of the language-action perspective


Innovation as Language Action

By learning seven foundational practices, anyone can become a skillful innovator.

Action and Media in Interorganizational Interaction

Coordinating the role of IT with business processes.

The Deep Structure of Business Processes

Delving beneath organizational surface structure to reveal the essential structure of business processes.

The Language-Action Perspective as a Basis For Communication Support Systems

Developing a framework for effective design principles.

Designing a New Foundation For Design

The book in which Fernando Flores and I introduced our version of the language-action perspective had an ambitious and provocative subtitle: Understanding Computers and Cognition: A New Foundation for Design [8]. This special …

The Pragmatic Web: A Manifesto

Adaptive Web Information Extraction

The Amorphic system works to extract Web information for use in business intelligence applications.

The Collaborate/Integrate Business Technology Strategy

Before investing in the technology, business managers must focus on their collaborative business future and the extent to which their technology can be integrated.

The Web of System Performance

Because information system performance is multidimensional, specialist theories of performance dimensions must be integrated into a model of system design.

Discovery of Knowledge Flow in Science

Recognizing and understanding knowledge flow between scientists is valuable for science. Discovering, managing, and utilizing such knowledge are advanced services of the e-science knowledge grid environment.

How UML Is Used

Many UML projects are not Use Case driven.

Is Information Systems a Reference Discipline?

The frequent citations to IS research suggest its role in advancing science.

Exploring the Privacy Implications of Addressable Advertising and Viewer Profiling

Collecting consumer viewing habits will come back to bite advertisers who do not understand or appreciate how consumers feel about privacy infringement.
COLUMN: Technical opinion

Musings of an 'Old-School' Programmer

A traditional style of software development can be just as productive as a more modern approach.
COLUMN: Inside risks

Risks of RFID