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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

DEPARTMENT: Editorial pointers

Editorial Pointers

DEPARTMENT: News track

News Track



COLUMN: President's letter

Farewell Address: The Growing and Graying of ACM

As my term ends, I offer my perspective on two important challenges facing ACM.
COLUMN: The business of software

The Learning Edge

Getting into the Flow of software development.
COLUMN: ACM plagiarism policy

Plagiarism on the Rise

ACM's Publications Board issues a plagiarism policy to help stem the disturbing increase in occurrences.

Top 10 Downloads from ACM's Digital Library

COLUMN: Legally speaking

Copyrighting Standards

Should standards be eligible for copyright protection?
SPECIAL ISSUE: Hacking and innovation


Why computer science should pay serious attention to the hacking community and its passion for pushing the limits of technology and its role as a counterbalance to its misuse.

Academic Freedom and the Hacker Ethic

Hackers advocate the free pursuit and sharing of knowledge without restriction, even as they acknowledge that applying it is something else.

Security Through Legality

The law alone won't prevent an unauthorized visit or even a deliberate attack. Security depends on being able to think like an attacker.

Wireless Hotspots: Petri Dish of Wireless Security

Laptops and PDAs are so vulnerable in wireless hotspots, users would do well to turn them off.

Software Security Is Software Reliability

Enlist hacker expertise, but stay with academic fault naming conventions, when defending against the risk of exploitation of vulnerabilities and intrusions.

Explorations in Namespace: White-Hat Hacking Across the Domain Name System

DNS cache scanning across a sample set of more than 500,000 name servers revealed the extent of last year's Sony rootkit infestation on client machines.

Global Software Piracy: Can Economic Factors Alone Explain the Trend?

Searching for explanations to increasing global software piracy rates.

Reciprocity: The Golden Rule of IS-User Service Relationship Quality and Cooperation

Seeking a mutually beneficial relationship between IS departments and users.

Piracy, Computer Crime, and IS Misuse at the -niversity

Who commits software misuse? Knowing the answer to this question will help organizations protect their information systems.

A Systematic Approach in Managing Post-Deployment System Changes

In current IT practices, the task of managing post-deployment system changes often falls in no-man's land.

The Application of Model Checking For Securing E-Commerce Transactions

Model checking is an effective component for performing online transactions that build customer trust and confidence.

Enterprise Integration Across the Globally Disbursed Service Organization

The goal of enterprise integration---to create a shared informationenvironment that supports the delivery of products or services---becomes an even greater challenge when business units are spread throughout the world, decentralized …
COLUMN: Technical opinion

A Simple Approach to Improving Email Communication

Going back to basics.
COLUMN: Inside risks

EHRs: Electronic Health Records or Exceptional Hidden Risks?