DEPARTMENT: Editorial pointers
Diane Crawford
Page 5
DEPARTMENT: News track
CACM Staff
Pages 9-10
Pages 11-13
COLUMN: President's letter
As my term ends, I offer my perspective on two important challenges facing ACM.
David A. Patterson
Pages 15-18
COLUMN: The business of software
Getting into the Flow of software development.
Phillip G. Armour
Pages 19-22
COLUMN: ACM plagiarism policy
ACM's Publications Board issues a plagiarism policy to help stem the disturbing increase in occurrences.
Ronald F. Boisvert, Mary Jane Irwin
Pages 23-24
Pages 25-26
COLUMN: Legally speaking
Should standards be eligible for copyright protection?
Pamela Samuelson
Pages 27-31
SPECIAL ISSUE: Hacking and innovation
Why computer science should pay serious attention to the hacking community and its passion for pushing the limits of technology and its role as a counterbalance to its misuse.
Gregory Conti
Pages 32-36
Hackers advocate the free pursuit and sharing of knowledge without restriction, even as they acknowledge that applying it is something else.
Tom Cross
Pages 37-40
The law alone won't prevent an unauthorized visit or even a deliberate attack. Security depends on being able to think like an attacker.
Stephen Bono, Aviel Rubin, Adam Stubblefield, Matthew Green
Pages 41-43
Laptops and PDAs are so vulnerable in wireless hotspots, users would do well to turn them off.
Bruce Potter
Pages 50-56
Enlist hacker expertise, but stay with academic fault naming conventions, when defending against the risk of exploitation of vulnerabilities and intrusions.
Felix "FX" Lindner
Pages 57-61
DNS cache scanning across a sample set of more than 500,000 name servers revealed the extent of last year's Sony rootkit infestation on client machines.
Dan Kaminsky
Pages 62-69
Searching for explanations to increasing global software piracy rates.
Kallol Bagchi, Peeter Kirs, Robert Cerveny
Pages 70-76
Seeking a mutually beneficial relationship between IS departments and users.
Christopher L. Carr
Pages 77-83
Who commits software misuse? Knowing the answer to this question will help organizations protect their information systems.
Timothy Paul Cronan, C. Bryan Foltz, Thomas W. Jones
Pages 84-90
In current IT practices, the task of managing post-deployment system changes often falls in no-man's land.
David Kang, Roger Chiang
Pages 91-96
Model checking is an effective component for performing online transactions that build customer trust and confidence.
Bonnie Brinton Anderson, James V. Hansen, Paul Benjamin Lowry, Scott L. Summers
Pages 97-101
The goal of enterprise integration---to create a shared informationenvironment that supports the delivery of products or services---becomes an even greater challenge when business units are spread throughout the world, decentralized …
Barry Shore
Pages 102-106
COLUMN: Technical opinion
Going back to basics.
Thomas W. Jackson, Anthony Burgess, Janet Edwards
Pages 107-109
COLUMN: Inside risks
Robert Charette
Page 120