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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

DEPARTMENT: Editorial pointers

Editorial Pointers

DEPARTMENT: News track

News Track

COLUMN: The business of software

Agile . . . and Offshore

An interview with a new paradigm.
COLUMN: Staying connected

Shannon's Eleven

Top tech trends to watch in 2007.
COLUMN: Viewpoint

Slanty Design

This new take on usability yields desirable (and the absence of undesirable) user behavior,even as it furthers grander corporate goals.

ACM Annual Report For FY06

The Patent Holder's Dilemma: Buy, Sell, or Troll?

The current patent process in many ways works against IT innovation by making the road to realization too dispiriting for today's independent inventors.

Semantic Matching Across Heterogeneous Data Sources

Discovering semantic correspondences is the key to semantic integration of data sources and ultimately to data integration across disparate databases.

Success Factors For Implementing Global Information Systems

Before taking on global systems, project managers must conduct a proper process analysis and educatetop management, as well as end users.In today's globalized business environment, firms must learn to manage increasingly complex …

Intra-Organizational Perspectives on IT-Enabled Supply Chains

Aligning technology decisions with relevant organizational practices and policies.

Who Should Test Whom?

Examining the use and abuse of personality tests in software engineering.

What Subjects and Skills Are Important For Software Developers?

A small survey of Finnish IT professionals, academics, and students has important implications for computer science degree programs.

Increased Security Through Open Source

It may seem counterintuitive, but going "open" all the way offers the most security.

Computing Versus Human Thinking


Top 10 Downloads from ACM's Digital Library

COLUMN: Inside risks

Ma Bell's Revenge: The Battle For Network Neutrality