Even as spammers and phishers try evermore sophisticated techniques to get past filters and into users' mailboxes, anti-spam researchers have managed to stay several steps ahead, so far.Joshua Goodman, Gordon V. Cormack, David Heckerman Pages 24-33
The U.S. government's vision of the health care information infrastructure is possible using technologies that support the sharing of medical e-records while maintaining patient privacy.Rakesh Agrawal, Tyrone Grandison, Christopher Johnson, Jerry Kiernan Pages 34-42
A popular theory on IT's impact fails to consider the rich, dynamic, relationship-filled environment in which IT operates.Bonnie C. Glassberg Pages 51-55
A novel online recommender system builds profiling models and offers suggestions without the user taking the lead.Ranieri Baraglia, Fabrizio Silvestri Pages 63-67
Leaders of robust, sustainable virtual communities find ways tostrengthen their members' sense of social identity and motivate their participation in the community's activities.Joon Koh, Young-Gul Kim, Brian Butler, Gee-Woo Bock Pages 68-73
Creative technologies can help overcome the limitations of mobile handheld devices while maximizing their strengths.Dongsong Zhang Pages 75-79DEPARTMENT: SIGs Announce Candidates for Election
Online partnerships depend on federations of not only user identities but also of user entitlements across organizational boundaries.Rafae Bhatti, Elisa Bertino, Arif Ghafoor Pages 81-87