Highlighting the similarities---although they might be superficial in some cases---in software development practices.Michael A. Cusumano Pages 15-18COLUMN: Legally speaking
Considering the issues involved in developing a simplified new copyright law and associated administrative mechanisms.Pamela Samuelson Pages 19-23COLUMN: Technical opinion
Charting the evolution of business capabilities and communication technology and standards.
Katia Passerini, Karen Patten, Michael R. Bartolacci, Jerry Fjermestad Pages 25-28COLUMN: Viewpoint
The robots will have to find their own way, sensing and predicting their whereabouts through automated perception, planning, and control.
Sebastian Thrun Pages 29-31COLUMN: International perspectives
A great idea does not always result in a successful product. Often the winners are the ones to make it over all the hurdles along the way.
U.N. Umesh, Len Jessup, Minh Q. Huynh Pages 60-66
Physical products increasingly incorporate an IT component, requiring manufacturers to adapt their production and support processes.Prabhudev Konana, Gautam Ray Pages 72-78
An innovative roadmap brings together the worlds of business processes and Web services, harnessing their power to construct industrial-strength business applications.Michael P. Papazoglou, Willem-Jan van den Heuvel Pages 79-85
Crunching unstructured text rather than numbers is the basis for a new class of high-value applications ranging from regulatory compliance monitoring to business intelligence.William L. Kuechler Pages 86-93
Sometimes a "friendly" email message tempts recipients to reveal more online than they otherwise would, playing right into the sender's hand.Tom N. Jagatic, Nathaniel A. Johnson, Markus Jakobsson, Filippo Menczer Pages 94-100
Use measurable, reliable real-world metrics to improve information security decision making.Wade H. Baker, Loren Paul Rees, Peter S. Tippett Pages 101-106
Deterring employee intentions to misuse computer systems requires complementary technical and procedural controls.John D'Arcy, Anat Hovav Pages 113-117DEPARTMENT: Hot links