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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

DEPARTMENT: Editorial pointers

Editorial Pointers

DEPARTMENT: News track

News Track

COLUMN: The profession of IT

The Choice Uncertainty Principle

It is impossible to make an unambiguous choice between near-simultaneous events under a deadline. How can computations choose reliably?
COLUMN: Practical programmer

A Research Project with Important Practitioner-Oriented Findings

Exploring a standard that, in the end, "...fails to achieve its objectives and be useful to its users."
COLUMN: President's letter

The Rewards of ACM's Awards

COLUMN: Viewpoint

Stop the Numbers Game

Counting papers slows the rate of scientific progress.
SPECIAL ISSUE: Experimental computer science


Only experimentation can confirm or refute the relevance of theory and established practices.

Experimental Algorithmics

Theoretical questions and motivations, combined with empirical research methods, produce insights into algorithm and program performance.

Empirical Studies to Build a Science of Computer Science

We learn to develop software by building, testing, and evolving models.

Experience-Driven Experimental Systems Research

The most direct way toward understanding whether PlanetLab and other such systems serve their purpose is to build, deploy, and use them.

Workloads (Creation and Use)

Workloads are used to estimate and measure system performance, but the results are only as good as the workloads and models being used.

TREC: Continuing Information Retrieval's Tradition of Experimentation

Large-scale test collections drive improvement in search technology to help users find information in free text.

How DARPA Structures its Robotics Programs to Improve Locomotion and Navigation

Research teams use common robots and machine learning to teach the robots outdoor navigation and locomotion skills.

What Motivates Wikipedians?

In order to increase and enhance user-generated content contributions, it is important to understand the factors that lead people to freely share their time and knowledge with others.

Information Life Cycle Management

A new framework, created to enhance information life cycle management by clarifying the relationship between value-at-risk and total cost of ownership, helps IT managers build a winning storage environment.

Does Data Warehouse End-User Metadata Add Value?

Many data warehouses are currently underutilized by managers and knowledge workers. Can high-quality end-user metadata help to increase levels of adoption and use?

The Impact of Size and Volatility on IT Project Performance

Studying the factors influencing project risk.

Making Knowledge Work in Virtual Teams

"I've been working in computers for years, and only the simplest stuff works 90% of the time."---A virtual team leader reflecting on technology facilitation.

Drivers of Price Premium in E-Markets

How price sensitivity influences online customers' purchase decisions.

Top 10 Downloads from ACM's Digital Library

COLUMN: Inside risks

Risks of E-Voting