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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

DEPARTMENT: Tapia conference letter

Diverse Connections

Created as a supportive networking environment for underrepresented groups in computing and information technology, the Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in …
DEPARTMENT: Letters to the editor

Science Has Four Legs

As an editor of The Fourth Paradigm and someone who subscribes to Jim Gray's vision that there are now four fundamental scientific methodologies, I feel I must respond to Moshe Y. Vardi's Editor's Letter "Science Has Only Two …

In the Virtual Extension

The following synopses are from Virtual Extension articles that are now available in their entirety to ACM members via the Digital Library.

Security Advice; Malvertisements; and CS Education in Qatar

Greg Linden discusses security advice and the cost of user effort, Jason Hong considers the increase in malvertisements, and Mark Guzdial writes about gender and CS education in Qatar.

School Grades Need Improvement

Much has been written over the last decade about the abysmal state of the education arms race in the U.S., particularly in the STEM disciplines. Two recent reports show how …

The Eyes Have It

Eye-tracking control for mobile phones might lead to a new era of context-aware user interfaces.

Topic Models vs. Unstructured Data

With topic modeling, scientists can explore and understand huge collections of unlabeled information.

CSEdWeek Expands Its Reach

The second Computer Science Education Week is showing students, parents, and educators why computer science is important.

The New Face of War

With the introduction of the sophisticated Stuxnet worm, the stakes of cyberwarfare have increased immeasurably.

A Matter of Privacy

Do consumers have enough control over their personal information or is more government regulation needed?
COLUMN: Emerging markets

The Coming African Tsunami of Information Insecurity

As the affordability and use of mobile phones in Africa increase, so too will security vulnerabilities.
COLUMN: Historical reflections

IBM's Single-Processor Supercomputer Efforts

Imagine a CPU designed to issue and execute up to seven instructions per clock cycle, with a clock rate 10 times faster than the reigning supercomputer. This is the ACS-1 supercomputer designed more than 40 years ago.
COLUMN: Broadening participation

The Role of Hispanic-Serving Institutions in Contributing to an Educated Work Force

In order to thrive and even survive in the worldwide marketplace of ideas and innovation, the U.S. must aggressively meet the challenge of increasing the number of students …
COLUMN: The profession of IT

The Long Quest For -Universal Information Access

Digital object repositories are on the cusp of resolving the long-standing problem of universal information access in the Internet.
COLUMN: Kode Vicious

Literate Coding

While it is true that "programmers aren't English majors," there are many days that I wish they were, or that they knew one and offered to help with …
COLUMN: Viewpoint

We Need a Research Data Census

The increasing volume of research data highlights the need for reliable, cost-effective data storage and preservation at the national scale.
SECTION: Practice

A Conversation with Ed Catmull

Pixar's president Ed Catmull sits down with Stanford professor (and former Pixar-ian) Pat Hanrahan to reflect on the blending of art and technology.

The Theft of Business Innovation: An ACM-BCS Roundtable on Threats to Global Competitiveness

These days, cybercriminals are looking to steal more than just banking information.
SECTION: Contributed articles

Certified Software

Only if the programmer can prove (through formal machine-checkable proofs) it is free of bugs with respect to a claim of dependability.

Business Impact of Web 2.0 Technologies

What do wikis, blogs, podcasts, social networks, virtual worlds, and the rest do for corporate productivity and management?
SECTION: Review articles

Bayesian Networks

What are Bayesian networks and why are their applications growing across all fields?
SECTION: Research highlights

Technical Perspective: Iterative Signal Recovery From Incomplete Samples

You are given a large set of data values, and you are requested to compress, clean, recover, recognize, and/or predict it. Sounds familiar? This is the …

CoSaMP: Iterative Signal Recovery From Incomplete and Inaccurate Samples

Compressive sampling (CoSa) is a new paradigm for developing data sampling technologies. The main computational challenge in CoSa is to reconstruct a compressible signal from the reduced representation acquired by the sampling …

Technical Perspective: QIP = PSPACE Breakthrough

It is now clear that for a wide range of problems, quantum computers offer little or no advantage over their classical counterparts.


The collection of computational problems having quantum interactive proof systems consists precisely of those problems solvable with an ordinary classical computer using at most a polynomial amount of memory (or QIP = PSPACE …
COLUMN: Last byte

Puzzled: Solutions and Sources

It's amazing how little we know about the simple, ordinary, axis-aligned rectangle. Last month (p. 112) we posted a trio of brainteasers, including one as yet unsolved, concerning rectangles galore. Here, we offer solutions to …

Future Tense: Rebirth of Worlds

Build a digital library of pioneering virtual worlds as a living laboratory of history and social science.
SECTION: Virtual extension

The Role of Conference Publications in CS

A bibliometric view of the publishing frequency and impact of conference proceedings compared to archival journal publication.

IT 2008: The History of a New Computing Discipline

The IT model curriculum represents an excellent starting point toward understanding more about IT as an academic discipline.

A Global Collaboration to Deploy Help to China

A firsthand account of an international team effort to install the Sahana disaster-management system in Chengdu, Sichuan after an earthquake.