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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

Where Have All the Workshops Gone?

My initiation into the computing-research community was a workshop on "Logic and Databases" in 1979. I was the only graduate student attending the workshop. In spite of the …
DEPARTMENT: Letters to the editor

To Change the World, Take a Chance

Some of what Constantine Dovrolis said in the Point/Counterpoint "Future Internet Architecture: Clean-Slate Versus Evolutionary Research" (Sept. 2010) made …

In the Virtual Extension

To ensure the timely publication of articles, Communications created the Virtual Extension to expand the page limitations of the print edition by bringing readers the same high-quality articles in an online-only format.

ACM's Annual Report

It has truly been a banner year for ACM. We firmly established ACM hubs in Europe, India, and China after years of exhaustive efforts to expand the Association's global reach. And, ACM membership ended the year at another all …

Smart Career Advice; Laptops as a Classroom Distraction

Jack Rosenberger shares Patty Azzarello's life lessons about advancing in the workplace. Judy Robertson discusses students' in-class usage of laptops.

Scholarly Publishing Model Needs an Update

Science demands an overhaul of the well-established system of peer-review in scholarly communication. The current system is outmoded, inefficient, and slow. The only question is how!

Nonlinear Systems Made Easy

Pablo Parrilo has discovered a new approach to convex optimization that creates order out of chaos in complex nonlinear systems.

The Touchy Subject of Haptics

After more than 20 years of research and development, are haptic interfaces finally getting ready to enter the computing mainstream?

India's Elephantine Effort

An ambitious biometric ID project in the world's second most populous nation aims to relieve poverty, but faces many hurdles.

EMET Prize and Other Awards

Edward Felten, David Harel, Sarit Kraus and others are honored for their contributions to computer science, technology, and electronic freedom and innovation.
COLUMN: The business of software

Don't Bring Me a Good Idea

You want to know how to get my attention?" Jason Kalich asked the audience rhetorically. "First off, don't bring me a good idea—I've already got plenty of good ideas."
COLUMN: Law and technology

Google AdWords and European Trademark Law

Is Google violating trademark law by operating its AdWords system?
COLUMN: Technology strategy and management

Reflections on the Toyota Debacle

A look in the rearview mirror reveals system and process blind spots.
COLUMN: Viewpoint

Cloud Computing Privacy Concerns on Our Doorstep

Privacy and confidentiality issues in cloud-based conference management systems reflect more universal themes.
COLUMN: Interview

An Interview with Frances E. Allen

Frances E. Allen, recipient of the 2006 ACM A.M. Turing Award, reflects on her career.
SECTION: Practice

Collaboration in System Administration

For sysadmins, solving problems usually involves collaborating with others. How can we make it more effective?

UX Design and Agile: A Natural Fit?

Talking with Julian Gosper, Jean-Luc Agathos, Richard Rutter, and Terry Coatta.

Virtualization: Blessing or Curse?

Managing virtualization at a large scale is fraught with hidden challenges.
SECTION: Contributed articles

Follow the Intellectual Property

How companies pay programmers when they move jobs and the related IP rights to offshore taxhavens.

Using Simple Abstraction to Reinvent Computing For Parallelism

The ICE abstraction may take CS from serial (single-core) computing to effective parallel (many-core) computing.
SECTION: Review article

A Firm Foundation For Private Data Analysis

What does it mean to preserve privacy?
SECTION: Research highlights

Technical Perspective: Sora Promises Lasting Impact

The objective of Sora is to build a software defined radio that combines the performance and fidelity of hardware platforms with the programmability and …

Sora: High-Performance Software Radio Using General-Purpose Multi-Core Processors

Sora, a fully programmable software radio platform on commodity PC architectures, combines the performance and fidelity of hardware software-defined radio platforms with the programmability and flexibility of general-purpose …

Technical Perspective: Multipath, A New Control Architecture For the Internet

Multipath transmission for the Internet—that is, allowing users to send some of their packets along one path and others along different paths—is an elegant solution still …

Path Selection and Multipath Congestion Control

This paper studies data transfers under two classes of multipath control, coordinated control where the rates over the paths are determined as a function ofuncoordinated …
COLUMN: Last byte

Q&A: A Journey of Discovery

Ed Lazowska discusses his heady undergraduate days at Brown University, teaching, eScience, and being chair of the Computing Community Consortium.
COLUMN: Viewpoints: Virtual extension

The Ephemeral Legion: Producing an Expert Cyber-Security Work Force from Thin Air

Seeking to improve the educational mechanisms for efficiently training large numbers of information security workers.
SECTION: Contributed articles: Virtual extension

On the Move, Wirelessly Connected to the World

How to experience real-world landmarks through a wave, gaze, location coordinates, or touch, prompting delivery of useful digital information.

OpenSocial: An Enabler For Social Applications on the Web

Building on the OpenSocial API suite, developers can create applications that are interoperable within the context of different social networks.