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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

ICPS Offers Major Research Venue

The ACM International Conference Proceedings Series (ICPS) has recently being relaunched as a publication venue for research activities.
DEPARTMENT: Letters to the editor

Shine the Light of Computational Complexity

Regarding Moshe Y. Vardi's view of computational complexity in "On P, NP, and Computational Complexity" (Nov. 2010), I'd like to add that the goal of computational complexity …

In the Virtual Extension

To ensure the timely publication of articles, Communications created the Virtual Extension (VE) to expand the page limitations of the print edition by bringing readers the same high-quality articles in an online-only format. …

Matters of Design

Jason Hong considers how software companies could effectively incorporate first-rate design into their products.

End of Days For Communications in Print?

The rise in online publishing raises a question about the durability of print publications and of the printed magazine version of Communications of the ACM. How long will it last?

Chipping Away at Greenhouse Gases

Power-saving processor algorithms have the potential to create significant energy and cost savings.

Information Theory After Shannon

Purdue University's Science of Information Center seeks new principles to answer the question 'What is information?'

Maurice Wilkes: The Last Pioneer

Computer science has lost not only a great scientist, but an important link to the electronic computing revolution that took place in the 1940s.

Following the Crowd

Crowdsourcing is based on a simple but powerful concept: Virtually anyone has the potential to plug in valuable information.

ACM Launches New Digital Library

More than 50 years of computing literature is augmented, streamlined, and joined to powerful new tools for retrieval and analysis.

ACM Fellows Honored

Forty-one men and women are inducted as 2010 ACM Fellows.
COLUMN: Privacy and security

Against Cyberterrorism

Cyberterrorism is a concept that appears recurrently in contemporary media. This coverage is particularly interesting if one believes, as I do, that …
COLUMN: Economic and business dimensions

Household Demand For Broadband Internet Service

How much are consumers willing to pay for broadband service? Our research estimates consumer willingness-to-pay (WTP) for broadband service and shows a high valuation for …
COLUMN: Inside risks

The Growing Harm of Not Teaching Malware

Revisiting the need to educate professionals to defend against malware in its various guises.
COLUMN: Kode Vicious

Forest For the Trees

With the amount of disk space available to the modern programmer, and the lack of parental supervision in most workplaces, the time for programmers to "clean your room!" and …
COLUMN: Education

From Science to Engineering

A series of recent reports claim the U.S. education system is in a very severe crisis; others suggest the crisis is "overblown." An explanation that …
COLUMN: Viewpoint

Technology, Conferences, and Community

Considering the impact and implications of changes in scholarly communication.
SECTION: Practice

Finding Usability Bugs with Automated Tests

Ideally, all software should be easy to use and accessible for a wide range of people. However, software often falls short of these basic goals. We therefore need ways to help us discover usability and accessibility problems …

A Plea from Sysadmins to Software Vendors: 10 Do's and Don'ts

What can software vendors do to make the lives of system administrators a little easier?

System Administration Soft Skills

How can system administrators reduce stress and conflict in the workplace?
SECTION: Contributed articles

Vision-Based Hand-Gesture Applications

Body posture and finger pointing are a natural modality for human-machine interaction, but first the system must know what it's seeing.

Structured Data on the Web

Google's Web Tables and Deep Web Crawler identify and deliver this otherwise inaccessible resource directly to end users.
SECTION: Review articles

Still Building the Memex

What would it take for a true personal knowledge base to generate the benefits envisioned by Vannevar Bush?
SECTION: Research highlights

Technical Perspective: Markov Meets Bayes

The history of probabilistic sequence models dates back to Markov at the turn of the last century. Though informed by decades of research, current practices are still something …

The Sequence Memoizer

The sequence memoizer is a new hierarchical Bayesian model for discrete sequence data that captures long range dependencies and power-law characteristics, while remaining computationally attractive.

Technical Perspective: DRAM Errors in the Wild

In order to advance the field, knowledge of the types of memory errors at the system level, their frequencies, and conditions that exacerbate or are unrelated to higher error rates are of critical importance.

DRAM Errors in the Wild: A Large-Scale Field Study

While a large body of work exists on DRAM in lab conditions, little has been reported on real DRAM failures in large production clusters. In this paper, we analyze measurements of memory errors in a large fleet of commodity servers …
COLUMN: Last byte

Puzzled: Parsing Partitions

Welcome to three new puzzles. Solutions to the first two will be published next month; the third is (as yet) unsolved. In each, the issue is how your intuition matches up with the mathematics.
COLUMN: Viewpoints: Virtual extension

The Need For a New Graduation Rite of Passage

A new organization is being proposed that is solely intended to promote and recognize the ethical and moral behavior in graduates of computing-related degree programs as they transition to careers of service to society.
SECTION: Contributed articles: Virtual extension

10 Scientific Problems in Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality was one of the 14 Grand Challenges identified as awaiting engineering solutions for the 21st century announced in 2008 by the U.S. National Academy of Engineering. Here, I explore 10 related open VR challenges …
SECTION: Review articles: Virtual extension

Are the OECD Guidelines at 30 Showing Their Age?

This article briefly reviews the factors that led to production of the Guidelines on the Transborder Flows of Personal Data in the 1970s and some of the key points in them.