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Communications of the ACM


ACM Fellows Honored

The ACM Fellow Program was established by Council in 1993 to recognize and honor outstanding ACM members for their achievements in computer science and information technology and for their significant contributions to the mission of the ACM. The ACM Fellows serve as distinguished colleagues to whom ACM and its members look for guidance and leadership as the world of information technology evolves.

The ACM Council endorsed the establishment of a Fellows Program and provided guidance to the ACM Fellows Committee, taking the view that the program represents a concrete benefit to which any ACM member might aspire, and provides an important source of role models for existing and prospective ACM Members. The program is managed by the ACM Fellows Committee as part of the general ACM Awards program administered by Calvin C. Gotlieb and James J. Horning. For details on Fellows nominations, see p. 14.

ACM has recognized 41 of its members for their contributions to computing and computer science that have provided fundamental knowledge to the field and generated multiple innovations in industry, commerce, entertainment, and education. The 2010 ACM Fellows, from the world's leading universities, corporations, and research labs, achieved accomplishments that are driving the innovations necessary to sustain competitiveness in the digital age. These 41 new inductees bring the total number of ACM Fellows to 726 (see for the complete listing of ACM Fellows). ACM will formally recognize the 2010 Fellows at its annual Awards Banquet on June 4, 2011, in San Jose, CA.

"These men and women have made advances in technology and contributions to the computing community that are meeting the dynamic demands of the 21st century," said ACM President Alain Chesnais. "Their ability to think critically and solve problems creatively is enabling great advances on an international scale. The selection of this year's Fellows reflects broad international representation of the highest achievements in computing, which are advancing the quality of life throughout society."

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ACM Fellows

David Abramson, Monash University

Sarita Adve, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Lorenzo Alvisi, The University of Texas at Austin

Luiz André Barroso, Google Inc.

Doug Burger, Microsoft Research

Jennifer Chayes, Microsoft Research New England Lab

Peter M. Chen, University of Michigan

Anne Condon, University of British Columbia

Mark Crovella, Boston University

Ron K. Cytron, Washington University

Michael Dahlin, The University of Texas at Austin

Amr El Abbadi, University of California, Santa Barbara

Carla Ellis, Duke University

Christos Faloutsos, Carnegie Mellon University

Kathleen Fisher, AT&T

James Goodman, University of Auckland

Professor Dame Wendy Hall, University of Southampton

Jean-Pierre Hubaux, EPFL (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)

Michael Jordan, University of California, Berkeley

Lydia Kavraki, Rice University

Sara Kiesler, Carnegie Mellon University

Philip Klein, Brown University

Donald Kossmann, ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology)

John Launchbury, Galois

Richard F. Lyon, Google Inc.

Raymond Mooney, The University of Texas at Austin

S. Muthukrishnan, Rutgers University/Google Inc.

Fernando Pereira, Google Inc.

Pavel Pevzner, University of California, San Diego

Dieter Rombach, University of Kaiserslautern and the Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering (IESE), Kaiserslautern, Germany

David Rosenblum, University College London

Stefan Savage, University of California, San Diego

Robert Schnabel, Indiana University

Daniel Spielman, Yale University

Subhash Suri, University of California, Santa Barbara

Frank Tompa, University of Waterloo

Josep Torrellas, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Stephen Trimberger, Xilinx Research Labs

David Ungar, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center

Andreas Zeller, Saarland University

Shumin Zhai, IBM Almaden Research Center

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