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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

Positioning ACM For an Open Access Future

The age of open access is upon us. Increasingly, the consensus of authors and their funding institutions is that the fruits of taxpayer-supported research should be freely available. This is a compelling argument and a noble …
DEPARTMENT: From the president

Growing the ACM Family

I have been thinking about the demographics of the computing profession and wondering what steps ACM and its members might take to increase interest in this career across a full spectrum of potential candidates. 

When Reviews Do More Than Sting

Bertrand Meyer wonders why malicious reviews run rampant in computer science.

Life in Simulation

Computational models are tackling the complexity of biology, from single-celled microbes to human organs.

Revving the Rover

The new Mars rover has attracted plenty of attention for its planetary gymnastics, but the big breakthroughs are under the hood.

A New Model For Healthcare

Computer modeling is radically redefining healthcare and epidemiology by providing new tools for understanding the impact of different intervention strategies.
COLUMN: Privacy and security

The Tangled Web We Have Woven

Seeking to protect the fundamental privacy of network interactions.
COLUMN: Inside risks

More Sight on Foresight

My previous column, "The Foresight Saga, Redux," began a discussion that is continued here regarding some lessons learned from the 2012 U.S. November elections. In addition, I reflect on the collateral effects of Hurricane Sandy …
COLUMN: Kode Vicious

Divided By Division

Is there a "best used by" date for software?
COLUMN: Education

Reflections on Stanford's MOOCs

New possibilities in online education create new challenges.
COLUMN: Economic and business dimensions

The Value of Microprocessor Designs

Applying a centuries-old technique to modern cost estimation.
COLUMN: Viewpoint

Cloud Services Certification

How to address the lack of transparency, trust, and acceptance in cloud services.

The Explosive Growth of Postdocs in Computer Science

Considering the factors influencing the recent rapid increase in the number of postdoctoral positions in computer science.
SECTION: Practice

Rethinking Passwords

Our authentication system is lacking. Is improvement possible?

Thinking Methodically About Performance

The USE method addresses shortcomings in other commonly used methodologies.

A Decade of OS Access-Control Extensibility

Open source security foundations for mobile and embedded devices.
SECTION: Contributed articles

New Approaches to Security and Availability For Cloud Data

Extending the data trust perimeter from the enterprise to the public cloud requires more than encryption.

The Tail at Scale

Software techniques that tolerate latency variability are vital to building responsive large-scale Web services.
SECTION: Review articles

Symbolic Execution For Software Testing: Three Decades Later

The challenges — and great promise — of modern symbolic execution techniques, and the tools to help implement them.
SECTION: Research highlights

Technical Perspective: Is Dark Silicon Real?

The microprocessor chip R&D community has been well aware of the so-called "power wall" challenge for over a decade. The following work by Esmaeilzadeh et al. is a landmark paper that opens our eyes to the unrelenting power challenge …

Power Challenges May End the Multicore Era

Tthe microprocessor industry has shifted to multicore scaling as its principal strategy for continuing performance growth. However, while transistor count increases continue, the per-transistor speed and energy efficiency improvements …
COLUMN: Last byte

Puzzled: Tumbling Dice

These puzzles involve computing probabilities associated with dice.