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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

To Boycott or Not to Boycott

There has been sound and fury in the Open Access movement over the past year.
DEPARTMENT: From the president

A Revolution in India

I recently had the pleasure of visiting our colleagues in India at the ACM-India Council meeting. The ACM-India Council joins the ACM-China and ACM-Europe Councils, as well as the general ACM Council, as the foundation for the …
DEPARTMENT: Letters to the editor

No Place For Old Educational Flaws in New Online Media

Moshe Y. Vardi identified important negative trends in "Will MOOCs Destroy Academia?" (Nov. 2012). But we should regard MOOCs as part of an early, awkward stage of a shift in education likely to produce something unrecognizable …

Passwords Getting Painful, Computing Still Blissful

Jason Hong wonders how anyone can follow the mounting complexity of password rules, and Daniel Reed ponders the attractions of computing.

Decoding Dementia

Computer models may help neurologists unlock the secrets of brain disorders, from Alzheimer's to cancer.

Rise of the Swarm

Guided by collective intelligence, teams of small, simple robots could soon accomplish amazing feats.

Cybercrime: It's Serious, But Exactly How Serious?

Symantec says $110 billion annually while McAfee says $1 trillion. Why can't anyone agree?

ACM Fellows Inducted

ACM has recognized 52 of its members for their contributions to computing that are fundamentally advancing technology in healthcare, cybersecurity, science, communications, entertainment, business, and education.   
COLUMN: Legally speaking

A Copyright Challenge to Resales of Digital Music

A currently pending case will have significant implications for secondary markets in digital goods.
COLUMN: Broadening participation

Academic Careers Workshop For Underrepresented Groups

A longitudinal evaluation of the application of knowledge, skills, and attitudes of ACW participants.
COLUMN: The profession of IT

Moods, Wicked Problems, and Learning

Wicked problems and learning environments present tough mood challenges for leaders and teachers. Telepresence and sensory gadgets are unlikely to replace physical presence in these areas.
COLUMN: Computing ethics

Ethics Viewpoints Efficacies

Seeking answers to ethical concerns.
COLUMN: Viewpoint

Can Computer Professionals and Digital Technology Engineers Help Reduce Gun Violence?

Ten idea seeds.

Funding Successful Research

A proposal for result-based funding for research projects.
SECTION: Practice

Hazy: Making It Easier to Build and Maintain Big-Data Analytics

Racing to unleash the full potential of big data with the latest statistical and machine-learning techniques.

The Story of the Teapot in DHTML

It is easy to do amazing things, such as rendering the classic teapot in HTML and CSS.

Making the Mobile Web Faster

Mobile performance issues? Fix the back end, not just the client.
SECTION: Contributed articles

Exploration and Mapping with Autonomous Robot Teams

The MAGIC 2010 robot competition showed how well multi-robot teams can work with human teams in urban search.

Mobile Social Networking Applications

They deliver the right social service to the right user anytime, anyplace, without divulging personal data.
SECTION: Review articles

Exact Exponential Algorithms

Discovering surprises in the face of intractability.
SECTION: Research highlights

Technical Perspective: Video Quality Assessment in the Age of Internet Video

With video delivery, it appears that once again "the Internet changes everything." In this changed environment, what measures of quality are most relevant, and how are they obtained from consumers no longer tethered to a single …

Understanding the Impact of Video Quality on User Engagement

As Internet-based videos become mainstream, user expectation for high quality is constantly increasing. In this context, it is crucial for content providers to understand how video quality affects user engagement and how to best …
COLUMN: Last byte

Puzzled: Solutions and Sources

Last month (February 2013) we posed a trio of brainteasers concerning probability and dice. Here, we offer solutions to all three. How did you do?

Q&A: The Power of Distribution

Nancy Lynch talks about achieving consensus, developing algorithms, and mimicking biology in distributed systems.