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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

Developing Tools and Resources For Those in Practice

To many younger software practitioners, ACM remains incorrectly stereotyped as an organization for researchers or professors but not targeted to individuals who design, implement, deliver, and deploy software for a living. …
DEPARTMENT: From the president

Open Access

"Open access content" is a topic that has been widely discussed and, with the advent of the Internet and the Web along with "digital publishing," it has become an important touch-point for the research community.

An Open Access Partnership

Searching for scholarly literature became far easier with search engines like Google or Google Scholar. And while it is far easier now to find targeted information, the quality of the results is less assured.
DEPARTMENT: Letters to the Editor

A Robot's Roots

I would like to add a bit of etymological history concerning the word "robot" to Vinton G. Cerf's President's Letter "What's a Robot?" (Jan. 2013).

Securing the Future of Computer Science; Reconsidering Analog Computing

Mark Guzdial sees hope in computer science education efforts in the U.K. Daniel Reed suggests we should not be so quick to discard analog computing.

Artificial Connections

Scientists at the Blue Brain Project are using supercomputers to simulate neural connections in a 3-D model of a slice of mammalian brain.

Inexact Design: Beyond Fault-Tolerance

In a new approach to making computers more efficient, called "inexact," "probabilistic," or "approximate" computing, errors are not avoided; they are welcomed. Some call it "living dangerously."

Looking Back at Big Data

As computational tools open up new ways of understanding history, historians and computer scientists are working together to explore the possibilities.
COLUMN: Technology strategy and management

Are the Costs of 'Free' Too High in Online Education?

Considering the economic implications as educational institutions expand online learning initiatives.
COLUMN: Emerging markets

Peacebuilding in a Networked World

Harnessing computing and communication technologies in fragile, conflict-stressed nations.
COLUMN: Kode vicious

Code Abuse

One programmer's extension is another programmer's abuse.
COLUMN: Viewpoint

Cyber-Victimization and Cybersecurity in China

Seeking insights into cyberattacks associated with China.

The Problem with Hands-Free Dashboard Cellphones

Lawmakers misunderstand user experience of technology interface.
SECTION: Practice

The Evolution of Web Development For Mobile Devices

Building websites that perform well on mobile devices remains a challenge.

How Fast Is Your Website?

Website performance data has never been more readily available.

FPGA Programming For the Masses

The programmability of FPGAs must improve if they are to be part of mainstream computing.
SECTION: Contributed articles

Why Computer Talents Become Computer Hackers

Start with talent and skills driven by curiosity and hormones, constrained only by moral values and judgment.

Offline Management in Virtualized Environments

How to run virtual machines together with physical machines, especially when sharing computational resources.
SECTION: Review articles

Techniques and Applications For Sentiment Analysis

The main applications and challenges of one of the hottest research areas in computer science.
SECTION: Research highlights

Technical Perspective: Understanding Pictures of Rooms

The rich world is getting older, so we will see many efforts to build robots that can provide some in-home care for frail people. These robots will need computer programs that can see and understand rooms where people live.

Discriminative Learning with Latent Variables For Cluttered Indoor Scene Understanding

We address the problem of understanding an indoor scene from a single image in terms of recovering the room geometry (floor, ceiling, and walls) and furniture layout.
COLUMN: Last byte

Future Tense: Modified Is the New Normal

How I transcended the baseline for the sake of art and bioengineering.