Joseph A. Konstan (left) and Jack W. Davidson (right) are co-chairs of the ACM Publications Board.
Credit: University of Minnesota, University of Virginia
ACM's Publications Board is charged with overseeing all of ACM's publishing activities, including publications policies, management of journals and magazines, and the ACM Digital Library. We would like to update you on three key policy issues we are currently discussing, give you a glimpse of what some of the leaders of the field have told us, and invite your input into the discussion. The three issues are:
The relationship between conference and journal publishing is a perennial topic in computer science, in part because of our almost unique model of conference publishing in which top conferences have rigorous peer-review processes, high selectivity, and resulting high-impact proceedings. Different subfields within ACM vary, with some of them feeling top conferences are the preeminent publication venue, and others maintaining a distinction between the level of reviewing and quality of conference and journal papers. In many communities, including computer graphics and programming languages, there is pressure to publish top conference papers as papers in the top journals—in part because the status of conference publication is not universally recognized outside computer science and around the world.
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