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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

Charting the Future: Scholarly Publishing in CS

We would like to update you on three key policy issues ACM's Publications Board is currently discussing, give you a glimpse of what some of the leaders of the field have told us, and invite your input into the discussion.

The Human Touch

As configuration complexity and scale grow, the need for smarter configuration systems, better online assistance, and the ability to share context with customer service agents will become increasingly important.
DEPARTMENT: Letters to the Editor

Human or Machine?

We wish to clarify an account of the 2014 Turing Test experiment we conducted at the Royal Society London, U.K., as outlined by Moshe Y. Vardi in his Editor's Letter "Would Turing Have Passed the Turing Test?" (Sept. 2014) …

The Arbitrariness of Reviews, and Advice For School Administrators

John Langford examines the results of the NIPS experiment, while Mark Guzdial considers the role of class size in teaching computer science.

Molecular Moonshots

Synthetic biologists may be closing in on potentially world-changing breakthroughs, but they are often hamstrung by a shortage of software tools.

Secure-System Designers Strive to STEM Data Leaks

Attackers using side-channel analysis require little knowledge of how an implementation operates.

What's the Price Now?

Dynamic pricing finds its way into a growing number of industries.
COLUMN: Privacy and security

Toward More Secure Software

Two proposals intended to reduce flaws in software use two very different approaches for software security.
COLUMN: Technology strategy and management

Competing in Emerging Markets

Considering the many different paths and unprecedented opportunities for companies exploring emerging markets.
COLUMN: Kode Vicious

Raw Networking

Relevance and repeatability.
COLUMN: Interview

An Interview with Juris Hartmanis

A pioneer in the field of computational complexity theory reflects on his career.
COLUMN: Viewpoint

Who Builds a House Without Drawing Blueprints?

Finding a better solution by thinking about the problem and its solution, rather than just thinking about the code.
SECTION: Practice

Go Static or Go Home

In the end, dynamic systems are simply less secure.

Hadoop Superlinear Scalability

The perpetual motion of parallel performance.
SECTION: Contributed articles

Sketch-Thru-Plan: A Multimodal Interface For Command and Control

Speaking military jargon, users can create labels and draw symbols to position objects on digitized maps.

How Amazon Web Services Uses Formal Methods

Engineers use TLA+ to prevent serious but subtle bugs from reaching production.
SECTION: Review articles

Security Challenges For Medical Devices

Implantable devices, often dependent on software, save countless lives. But how secure are they?
SECTION: Research highlights

Technical Perspective: The Specialization Trend in Computer Hardware

Specialization improves energy-efficiency in computing but only makes economic sense if there is significant demand. A balance can often be found by designing application-domain-specific components that have a degree of programmability …

Convolution Engine: Balancing Efficiency and Flexibility in Specialized Computing

We present the Convolution Engine (CE) — a programmable processor specialized for the convolution-like data-flow prevalent in computational photography, computer vision, and video processing.
COLUMN: Last byte

Future Tense: The Wealth of Planets

Launch swarms of self-replicating robots to exploit the most lucrative of resources.