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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents


The Upper Layers of the Internet

The Internet Protocol layer does not know or care what it carries in its payloads except that they are made up of binary bits. Above the application layer, however, the meaning of the content becomes important.
DEPARTMENT: Departments

Self-Reference and Section 230

The explosive growth of social-media platforms has led to the proliferation of "bad" speech on social-media platforms, which has become politically untenable.

The Gap in CS, Mulling Irrational Exuberance

Carl Hewitt suggests computer science needs a reference resource, while Vijay Kumar decries intellectual dishonesty in technology forecasting.

AI, Explain Yourself

It is increasingly important to understand how artificial intelligence comes to a decision.

A New Movement in Seismology

Unused telecom fiber might be used to detect earthquakes, uncover other secrets in the soil.

Weighing the Impact of GDPR

The EU data regulation will affect computer, Internet, and technology usage within and outside the EU; how it will play out remains to be seen.
COLUMN: Legally speaking

The EU's Controversial Digital Single Market Directive

Should copyright enforcement have precedence over the interests of users in information privacy and fundamental freedoms?
COLUMN: Inside risks

The Big Picture

A systems-oriented view of trustworthiness.
COLUMN: Education

How Machine Learning Impacts the Undergraduate Computing Curriculum

The growing importance of machine learning creates challenging questions for computing education.
COLUMN: Viewpoint

Using Any Surface to Realize a New Paradigm for Wireless Communications

Programmable wireless environments use unique customizable software processes rather than traditional rigid channel models.

Crude and Rude?

Old ways in the new oil business.
SECTION: China region

Introducing Communications' Regional Special Sections

I am pleased to introduce the first regional special section of Communications, which we hope will become a feature that you anticipate and enjoy, and of course value for the insights and perspectives it presents!
SECTION: China Region Special Section: Hot Topics

Welcome to the China Region Special Section

We are pleased to present the China Region special section.

China's Computing Ambitions

China plans to become the world's high-tech leader, and quickly.

Quantum Communication at 7,600km and Beyond

There are two major challenges to achieving secure quantum cryptography over long distances.

The Future of Artificial Intelligence in China

In addition to government-supported academic research, China's technical giants, such as Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent, and Huawei, are actively investing in AI research and related development.

Consumers, Corporations, and Government: Computing in China

Unique historical, socioeconomic, and political conditions have created a distinctive path for China's rapid integration of computing and technology into its economy and society.

Regional Computing Culture and Personalities

Despite China's massive market and bountiful opportunities for computing careers, Chinese corporations face great obstacles in attracting high-tech talent.

Can China Lead the Development of Data Trading and Sharing Markets?

A survey of China's data trading and sharing markets.

Exploiting Psychology and Social Behavior for Game Stickiness

Interactive video games, which support various forms of collaboration and confrontation among gamers, create an obsessive stickiness.
SECTION: China Region Special Section: Big Trends

People Logistics in Smart Cities

Governments have been searching for new technologies to make cities in China more efficient, and smart mobility has been the top priority in all solutions.

Cloud Bursting for the World's Largest Consumer Market

The development and popularization of cloud computing, especially in emerging domains, brings great convenience and also poses new challenges.

Fintech: AI Powers Financial Services to Improve People's Lives

Financial technology, or fintech, is a fast-evolving field that has reshaped the financial industry.

Is Last-Mile Delivery a 'Killer App' for Self-Driving Vehicles?

There are two dimensions of challenge to an efficient autonomous delivery vehicle solution.

Video Consumption, Social Networking, and Influence

China's online video industry has as many similarities as differences with the U.S.

Will Supercomputers Be Super-Data and Super-AI Machines?

New challenges in architecture, system software, and application technologies must be addressed to help develop next-generation exascale supercomputing systems.
SECTION: Practice

Corp to Cloud: Google's Virtual Desktops

How Google moved its virtual desktops to the cloud.

Research for Practice: Knowledge Base Construction in the Machine-Learning Era

Three critical design points: Joint learning, weak supervision, and new representations.

Tracking and Controlling Microservice Dependencies

Dependency management is a crucial part of system and software design.
SECTION: Contributed articles

Skill Discovery in Virtual Assistants

Skill recommendations must be provided when users need them most, without being obtrusive or distracting.

A Look at the Design of Lua

Simplicity, small size, portability, and embeddability set Lua apart from other scripting languages.

Modern Debugging: The Art of Finding a Needle in a Haystack

Systematic use of proven debugging approaches and tools lets programmers address even apparently intractable bugs.
SECTION: Review articles

Software Challenges for the Changing Storage Landscape

Conventional storage software stacks are unable to meet the needs of high-performance Storage-Class Memory technology. It is time to rethink 50-year-old architectures.
SECTION: Research highlights

Technical Perspective: Backdoor Engineering

"Where Did I Leave My Keys?" by Checkoway et al. reports on the amazing independent reconstruction of a backdoor, discovered in the firmware of a VPN router commonly used to secure access to corporate intranets.

Where Did I Leave My Keys?: Lessons from the Juniper Dual EC Incident

In this paper, we describe the results of a full independent analysis of the ScreenOS randomness and VPN key establishment protocol subsystems, which we carried out in response to the Juniper Dual Elliptic Curve incident.

Technical Perspective: Making Sleep Tracking More User Friendly

"LIBS: A Bioelectrical Sensing System from Human Ears for Staging Whole-Night Sleep Study" provides a nice balance in terms of minimizing the burden on users and the granularity at which we can automatically track various measures …

LIBS: A Bioelectrical Sensing System from Human Ears for Staging Whole-Night Sleep Study

We explore a new form of wearable systems, called LIBS, that can continuously record biosignals such as brain wave, eye movements, and facial muscle contractions, with high sensitivity and reliability.
COLUMN: Last byte

Between the Abbey and the Edge of Time

A photo marks my place, then and now