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Communications of the ACM

China Region Special Section: Big Trends

Video Consumption, Social Networking, and Influence

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Credit: Chutharat Kamkhuntee / Shutterstock

Revenue from China's online entertainment market reached approximately $200 billion this year.a It is not surprising that China's video market is comparable to the U.S.;b,c in fact the number of online video users in China is 2.5 times more than that of the U.S. (that is, 212 million U.S.-based usersd compared to 579 million users in China).e Due to advancements in broadband and mobile technology, online video is the fastest growing area for China's Internet, with a growth of around 50% over the past five years.f

The landscape of China's online video industry has as many similarities as differences with the U.S., presenting extremely interesting observations and insights. This article provides an overview of the market, dominant players, and business models, as well as presents intriguing product nuances and technical advances in this area.


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