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Communications of the ACM

China Region Special Section: Hot Topics

China's Computing Ambitions

Made in China 2025, illustration

Credit: Washington Post

China plans to become the world's high-tech leader, and quickly. In 2015, the Chinese government's State Council approved "Made in China 2025," an initiative designed to position China as a world leader in fields such as robotics, aviation, advanced information technology, and new-energy vehicles in less than a decade. In support of this governmental initiative, China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) released a three-year action plana to drive growth in areas including smart drones, facial recognition, AI-supported medical diagnosis, speech recognition, and language translation. If successful, the initiative would grow China's AI industryb to a size of $150 billion by 2020, approximately 100 times its size in 2016. As China pushes AI forward, here are a few names, trends, and technologies to watch.

Figure. Facial recognition technology used in Shenzhen, China, identifies jaywalkers and automatically issues fines by text.

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Facial Recognition and Surveillance

Earlier this year, an Alibabaled funding of $600M made SenseTime the world's most valuable startupc at a valuation of $4.5B. SenseTime specializes in facial recognition technology with applications including payment verificationd and automated checkout.e


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