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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

DEPARTMENT: Editor's letter

Engaging Future Generations of ACM Leaders

As a volunteer-driven organization, ACM's future health depends not only on appealing to a diverse membership, but also on creating a pipeline of future leaders.

A Hands-Free Ride

I recently had the opportunity to take a ride in a Waymo self-driving car in Chandler, AZ.
DEPARTMENT: Letters to the editor

Online Voting Still Security Pipedream

The Viewpoint in the September 2019 issue "Online Voting: We Can Do It! (We Have To)," while interesting, was flawed and failed to justify the claims made.

Getting High School, College Students Interested in CS

Mark Guzdial considers how few U.S. high school students take computer science, while Robin K. Hill shares what she's learned in teaching first-year college computing students.

Malevolent Machine Learning

AI attacks throw light on the nature of deep learning.

Robots Aim to Boost Astronaut Efficiency

A multitude of robotic assistants for astronauts and rovers are in development to make space exploration more resource-efficient.

Regulating Information Technology

Why isn't IT regulated, when it can have such substantial impacts on people's lives?
COLUMN: Computing ethics

Should Researchers Use Data from Security Breaches?

Evaluating the arguments for and against using digital data derived from security breaches.
COLUMN: Kode vicious

Koding Academies

A low-risk path to becoming a front-end plumber.
COLUMN: The profession of IT


Considering how to best navigate stability and randomness.
COLUMN: Viewpoint

Public Entrepreneurship and Policy Engineering

Training the next generation of leader and problem solver.
SECTION: Practice

Hack for Hire

Investigating the emerging black market of retail email account hacking services.

API Practices If You Hate Your Customers

Application programming interfaces speak louder than words.
SECTION: Contributed articles

The Rise of Serverless Computing

The server is dead, long live the server.
SECTION: Review articles

Automated Program Repair

Automated program repair can relieve programmers from the burden of manually fixing the ever-increasing number of programming mistakes.

Rethinking Search Engines and Recommendation Systems: A Game Theoretic Perspective

Novel approaches draw on the strength of game theoretic mechanism design.
SECTION: Research highlights

Technical Perspective: Bootstrapping a Future of Open Source, Specialized Hardware

OpenPiton research is one of the watershed moments in the fundamental shift toward the construction of an open source ecosystem for implementing prototype chips.

OpenPiton: An Open Source Hardware Platform For Your Research

We present OpenPiton, an open source framework for building scalable architecture research prototypes from one core to 500 million cores.
COLUMN: Last byte

RISCy Beginnings

In a career launched by groundbreaking research, Garth Gibson continues to shepherd technological advances "from blackboard through standards and to commercial reality."