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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

DEPARTMENT: Editor's letter

Cracks in Open Collaboration in Universities

Universities and the interchange of scholars and students in international collaborations have long played an important role in knitting a fabric of human relationships and shared understanding. This fabric is fraying rapidly …
DEPARTMENT: Departments

Publish and Perish

Publishing one's paper at a prestigious conference has become the standard way to build professional credentials, yet the dominance of conference publication comes at a cost.

In Search of the Shortest Possible Schedule

Bertrand Meyer considers how to speed up software engineering.

Multiplication Hits the Speed Limit

A problem "around since antiquity" may have been resolved by a new algorithm.

How the Internet Spans the Globe

The modern Internet is made possible by hundreds of thousands of miles of undersea cables.

Will Deepfakes Do Deep Damage?

The ability to produce fake videos that appear amazingly real is here. Researchers are now developing ways to detect and prevent them.
COLUMN: Law and technology

Increasing Automation in Policing

Seeking the delicate balance between civil liberties and policing public safety.
COLUMN: Technology strategy and management

'Platformizing' a Bad Business Does Not Make It a Good Business

Transaction platforms link third-party applications and services providers with users.
COLUMN: Historical reflections

Von Neumann Thought Turing's Universal Machine was 'Simple and Neat.': But That Didn't Tell Him How to Design a Computer

New discoveries answer an old question.
COLUMN: Viewpoint

Ethics of Technology Needs More Political Philosophy

Incorporating considerations of reasonable pluralism, individual agency, and legitimate authority.

A* Search: What's in a Name?

A search for algorithmic answers returns unique results.
SECTION: Practice

The Reliability of Enterprise Applications

Understanding enterprise reliability.

Blockchain Technology: What Is It Good For?

Industry's dreams and fears for this new technology.

Space Time Discontinuum

Combining data from many sources may cause painful delays.
SECTION: Contributed articles

Dependability in Edge Computing

Edge computing holds great promise, and almost as many challenges in deployment.
SECTION: Review articles

Techniques for Interpretable Machine Learning

Uncovering the mysterious ways machine learning models make decisions.

Mastering Concurrent Computing through Sequential Thinking

A 50-year history of concurrency.
SECTION: Research highlights

Technical Perspective: Is There a Geek Gene?

"Evidence that Computer Science Grades Are Not Bimodal" uses empirical methods to determine if belief in innate differences may explain why CS teachers see a bimodality in grades.

Evidence That Computer Science Grades Are Not Bimodal

There is a common belief that grades in computer science courses are bimodal. We devised a psychology experiment to understand why CS educators hold this belief.
COLUMN: Last byte

Feedback for Foxes

Searching for the best strategy for shifty maneuvers.