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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents


On the Internet of Medical Things

It is entirely feasible to imagine the Internet of Medical Things with a significant capacity for remote medical diagnosis and triage.

How WWII Was Won, and Why CS Students Feel Unappreciated

John Arquilla considers how code-breaking helped end a war, while Jeremy Roschelle ponders the use of music in data science education.

Neuromorphic Chips Take Shape

Chips designed specifically to model the neurons and synapses in the human brain are poised to change computing in profound ways.

Digital Humans on the Big Screen

Motion pictures are using new techniques in computer-generated imagery to create feature-length performances by convincingly "de-aged" actors.

Are We Addicted to Technology?

Experts agree technology causes some negative behaviors, but they are divided on how bad the problem is.
COLUMN: Broadening participation

TECHNOLOchicas: A Critical Intersectional Approach Shaping the Color of Our Future

A unique partnership seeks to address the underrepresentation and unique barriers facing Latina women and girls of color in information technology.
COLUMN: Kode vicious

Broken Hearts and Coffee Mugs

The ordeal of security reviews.
COLUMN: Education

Data-Centricity: A Challenge and Opportunity for Computing Education

Rethinking the content of introductory computing around a data-centric approach to better engage and support a diversity of students.
COLUMN: Viewpoint

OMSCS: The Revolution Will Be Digitized

Lessons learned from the first five years of Georgia Tech's Online Master of Science in Computer Science program.

Thorny Problems in Data (-Intensive) Science

Data scientists face challenges spanning academic and non-academic institutions.
SECTION: Practice

To Catch a Failure: The Record-and-Replay Approach to Debugging

A discussion with Robert O'Callahan, Kyle Huey, Devon O'Dell, and Terry Coatta.

Power to the People

Reducing datacenter carbon footprints.
SECTION: Contributed articles

Digital Creativity Support for Original Journalism

A tool that helps journalists discover new story angles by offering insight not search results.

Why Computing Belongs Within the Social Sciences

Fully appreciating the overarching scope of CS requires weaving more than ethics into the reigning curricula.

Examining Undergraduate Computer Science Participation in North Carolina

Data on CS graduation rates among six academic institutions in NC traces the demographics of those participating (or not) in the discipline.
SECTION: Review articles

Threats of a Replication Crisis in Empirical Computer Science

Research replication only works if there is confidence built into the results.
SECTION: Research highlights

Technical Perspective: Entity Matching with Magellan

Magellan's key insight is that a successful entity matching system must offer a versatile system building paradigm for entity matching that can be easily adapted for different application needs.

Magellan: Toward Building Ecosystems of Entity Matching Solutions

Entity matching can be viewed as a special class of data science problems and thus can benefit from system building ideas in data science.

Technical Perspective: Supporting Linear Algebra Operations in SQL

Do we need a completely new database system to support machine learning?

Scalable Linear Algebra on a Relational Database System

We show that by making just a few changes to a parallel/distributed relational database system, such a system can become a competitive platform for scalable linear algebra.
COLUMN: Last byte

Seeing Light at the End of the Cybersecurity Tunnel

After decades of cybersecurity research, Elisa Bertino remains optimistic.