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Communications of the ACM

Europe Region special section: Hot topics

Privacy-Preserving AI for Future Networks

global network, illustration

Credit: Getty Images

Telco networks and systems evolved over the years to deal with novel services. Today, they are highly complex, distributed ecosystems composed of very diverse sub-environments (see Figure 1). They include myriad types of devices, connectivity means, protocols, and infrastructures often managed by different teams with varying expertise and tools, or even different companies.

Figure 1. High-level view of the complexity of telcos' networks and systems with a large variety of devices, connectivity means, protocols, and infrastructures.

Traditional network management solutions (for example, network over-provisioning, rule-based systems, reactive approaches) are reaching their limits in dealing with this complex ecosystem. Novel solutions are required to guarantee strict service requirements and effective resource management, especially in cases where entities have a partial view of the system.


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