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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents


Preserving the Internet

The Internet is equally available for beneficial and harmful purposes as is often the case with infrastructure open to public use. How can we preserve its beneficial uses and diminish unwanted harmful abuse?

Achieving CS for All Could Take Decades

Mark Guzdial assesses the outlook for students taking computer science classes at the high school level.

Can AI Learn to Forget?

Specialized techniques may make it possible to induce selective 'amnesia' in machine learning models.

Still Waiting for Self-Driving Cars

Why is it taking so long for autonomous vehicles to hit the road?

Technology's Impact on Morality

Leading technologists and thinkers are concerned about technology's impact on our ethical thinking.
COLUMN: Technology strategy and management

Global Supply Chain Disruption and Resilience

Tracking the myriad factors influencing shifting supply chains.
COLUMN: The profession of IT

Systems Abstractions

Computing professionals use powerful abstractions to tame complexity in large software systems and distributed networks.
COLUMN: Kode Vicious

Getting Off the Mad Path

Debuggers and assertions.
COLUMN: Viewpoint

Explainable AI

Opening the black box or Pandora's Box?

Communications' Digital Initiative and Its First Digital Event

How AI and science are shaping each other.
SECTION: Europe Region special section


The second Communications Regional Special Section spotlighting European countries and Israel highlights selected research and innovation projects in areas of traditional European CS strengths.
SECTION: Europe Region special section: Hot topics

Trends in Computer Science Research within European Countries

European institutes provide major worldwide contributions to research in multiple computer science domains.

On-Skin Computing

A new generation of wearable devices, so-called epidermal devices modeled after human skin, promises significantly better compatibility with the human body.

Mobile Phone Usage Data for Disaster Response

Mobility data can provide near real-time insights before, during, and after a disaster, when understanding population movements and mobility is important to the efficient provision of aid.

Robotic Process Automation Platform UiPath

The UiPath platform provides core capabilities that make it easy to build, deploy, and manage software robots that emulate humans' interactions with information systems to perform certain tasks in business processes.

A Federated Infrastructure for European Data Spaces

The Gaia-X project, with more than 300 members, aims at a federated data architecture that comprises not only data and smart services, but also cloud infrastructure services.

Fenix: A Pan-European Federation of Supercomputing and Cloud e-Infrastructure Services

Six leading European supercomputing centers are harmonizing and federating their e-infrastructure services portfolio with the goal of supporting a variety of science and engineering communities.

On 6G and Trustworthiness

Not only data but physical and virtual objects will be controlled with 6G. This requires addressing trustworthiness of the system and its services at an unprecedented level.

Internet of Production: Entering Phase Two of Industry 4.0

The Excellence Cluster "Internet of Production," started in 2019, aims at a new level of digital collaboration with data, models, and knowledge in production. The core idea is establishing a "worldwide lab" for cross-domain learning …

Privacy-Preserving AI for Future Networks

Traditional management solutions for telco networks are reaching their limits in dealing with today's complex ecosystem. Novel solutions are required to guarantee strict service requirements and effective resource management. …

Partnership on AI, Data, and Robotics

The AI, Data and Robotics Association was founded to strengthen European competitiveness, societal well-being, and environmental sustainability.

Toward a Broad AI

AI research and machine learning in particular aims at a new level of AI with considerably enhanced and broader capabilities for skill acquisition and problem solving.
SECTION: Europe Region special section: Big trends

Energy Informatics: Key Elements for Tomorrow's Energy System

The transition of energy systems toward renewable sources has led to a strong need for essential contributions from the computer science community to maintain stability and security of supply, particularly for the electric power …

Trust, Regulation, and Human-in-the-Loop AI: within the European region

The trustworthiness of AI systems must be planned, rather than an afterthought.

Recommender Systems Under European AI Regulations

With the EU Regulatory Framework for AI, the European Commission aims at introducing the first comprehensive legal framework on AI.

MobiGuide: Guiding Clinicians and Chronic Patients Anytime, Anywhere

The European MobiGuide project aimed to develop a generic architecture to support chronic patients and their clinicians.

European Leadership in Process Management

We describe process mining's European roots as well as developments in the field, and show how it differs from traditional process management and automation.

When Software Engineering Meets Quantum Computing

We present highlights of EU-level quantum computing initiatives, argue the need for quantum software engineering, and shed light on possible research directions.
SECTION: Practice

Federated Learning and Privacy

Building privacy-preserving systems for machine learning and data science on decentralized data.
SECTION: Contributed articles

Digital Twins and Artificial Intelligence as Pillars of Personalized Learning Models

Personalized learning models can cut student dropout rates, boost student success, improve the integration of online and on-site students, better support teachers in mixed-teaching modalities, enhance accessibility, and more. …

Market Segmentation in the Emoji Era

A better understanding and use of unstructured data can improve customer loyalty and relationships for most organizations.
SECTION: Research highlights

Technical Perspective: Exploring Cognitive Bias 'In the Wild'

The authors of "Cognitive Biases in Software Development" rightly highlight the need for situated studies that examine cognitive bias 'in the wild' during software development activity.

Cognitive Biases in Software Development

We conducted a two-part field study to examine the extent to which cognitive biases occur, the consequences of these biases on developer behavior, and the practices and tools that developers use to deal with these biases.

Technical Perspective: Leveraging Social Context for Fake News Detection

In "FANG," the authors focus on a strategy of automatically detecting disinformation campaigns on online media with a new graph-based, contextual technique for fake news detection.

FANG: Leveraging Social Context for Fake News Detection Using Graph Representation

We propose Factual News Graph (FANG), a novel graphical social context representation and learning framework for fake news detection.
COLUMN: Last byte

Beating the House

Ante up.